Week Beginning 24.9.18

This week P2 have been learning:

  • In Maths, we have been working on adding several numbers within the same sum. We know to look for our number bonds to 10 first to help us and then we add the remaining number.
  • In Literacy we have been learning all about the ‘oa’ ‘ow’ sound. We have been doing lots of activities to help us practice this. In grammar we are beginning to learn when and how to learn to use connectives properly.
  • This week we wrote a story all about the characters from Toy Story and an adventure that they went on. We also met Miss McCormack’s invisible friend who helps us to be super writers. We practiced Kung Fu punctuation and had a handwriting disco.
  • We were also practicing words from our reading books, to help us with our fluency and accuracy (keep this up at home!)
  • In our topic this week, we have been comparing toys from today with toys from the past. We chose our favourite toy and compared them to our parents’ favourite toys. We were trying to work out what was the same and what was different about them.
  • We also got to go outside this week and pick some apples and pears from the trees in the playground. We enjoyed it a lot and also got to take some yummy fruit home with us.

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