Category Archives: Primary 1

Week beginning 11th of March 2019

Primary 1 have had another great week!  In topic we have been building houses from clay and using our new Promethean panel to design a castle.  We have been retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs using storymats and building our own story using a variety of materials in preparation for our writing next week.  We had a visit from the author Michelle Sloan who read her story ‘The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee’.


Week beginning 4th of March 2019

Primary 1 have had a very exciting and busy week.  We have been continuing to learn all about Fairtrade by designing a poster to show where chocolate comes from.  We used Fairtrade Chocolate to make Chocolate Krispie Cakes and used Fairtrade Jam on our pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.  We have been investigating materials and used sticks, bricks and straw to build our own houses for the Three Little Pigs.  On Wednesday we had a very special service to mark the beginning of Lent.  This morning we worked with Mrs Vickers and Henry’s mum to plant Snowdrops in our playground.  We are also really excited about our brand new Promethean Panel which was installed on Thursday!


Week beginning 25th of February

Primary 1 have been learning all about the importance of Fairtrade.  We had a visit from Mrs Byrne and Mrs McEwan from the Linlithgow Fairtrade Partnership and we found out about different food products.  We designed a picture of a variety of Fairtrade snacks and designed a poster to show the journey of a Fairtrade Banana.  Our new sound this week is oa/ow and we were outside writing our sounds with chalk.  In maths we have been measuring length and weight in non-standard units. On Wednesday it was such a beautiful day that we got to have our lunch outside!

Week beginning 11th of February

It was ‘Scotland loves languages’ week and Primary 1 did an amazing performance of ‘Frere Jacques’  in French and Polish to the School at assembly.  We are embedding French through our routines and are getting really good at saying the days of the week.  We listened to the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and used playdough and a variety of materials to make a story map.  We also created our own ‘Hansel and Gretel’ house.  We are working on subtraction in maths and are very good at using the numicon to show our understanding.  We used a variety of natural materials to create a ‘Fairy house’  we were very creative.  We used a pointillism technique in art to create Valentine cards for our mums and dads.

Week beginning 4th of February

Another busy week in Primary 1!  We have been continuing to learn our vowel digraphs, our new sound this week was ee/ea.  We are getting really good at segmenting and blending to read and spell words!  Through our topic on houses and homes we have been learning to describe and sort different materials according to their properties.  In preparation for ‘Scotland loves Languages Week’ we have been singing Frere Jacques in French and in Polish! In Numeracy we have been using picture mats to tell addition stories and we listened to the story ‘What’s New at the Zoo’ an animal addition adventure.




Week beginning 28th of January

Primary 1 have been introduced to another new sound ai/ay  this week.  We have been learning to read and build words and are getting really good at being detectives by identifying the sounds in different texts. We listened to the story ‘Snowball’ and made our own story using playdough and story stones.  We used our talking tins to talk through the events of the story in order.  In maths we are continuing to develop our confidence in addition using numicon, rekenreks and cubes.


Week beginning 21st of January

Primary 1 have had a great week.  We have been celebrating Robert Burn’s day by listening to the ‘Gruffalo in Scots’ and learning some Scottish vocabulary.  We then created a poster of the Gruffalo and labelled it. We presented our Scottish song ‘Bananas are the Best’ to the school community, our performance was amazing!  Through our topic we created houses using a variety of fabric, made sandcastles and created houses from lego and building blocks.


Week beginning 14th of January

Primary 1 have had a very busy and fun week.  We have been continuing with segmenting and blending consonant digraphs sh, ch and th.  We listened  to the story of  ‘The Wish Tree’ and created a story map of the events and used a paper bag and white tissue paper to create our very own Wish Tree.  We have started our new topic ‘Houses and Homes’.  We made a picture on our ‘Story Window’ of the Rainbow Fish and then wrote a sentence.  We completed a KWL grid to find out what we already know and what we want to find out about our topic.  We are continuing to develop our understanding of addition within 10 through a variety of rhymes, stories and active learning opportunities.

Week beginning 7th of January 2019

Happy New Year! hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. Primary 1 are excited for the new term ahead.  We have been learning new sounds ‘sh’ and ‘ch’.  We listened to the story of the Rainbow Fish, made our own collage Rainbow Fish and wrote a story. We have been using cotton buds to create Snowflakes.  We designed our own Snowman picture on sticky paper then wrote a sentence about our picture.  We have been investigating push and pull forces in the classroom and playground.

Week beginning the 17th of December

What a busy and exciting time it’s been in Primary 1.  Mrs Taylor was so proud of our performance in the nativity, Primary 1 and 2 did an amazing job! We had our Christmas party on Monday and we had a special visitor from Santa! Primary 5 have been making board games and came to play them with us, they were fantastic! Rookie Rockstars visited our school this morning and we had great fun singing and dancing along to all the songs.