Category Archives: Primary 1

Week beginning 26th of November

Primary 1 have had a great week.  We walked to the church on Monday with Primary 2 to practise the nativity and we did a whole school rehearsal on Wednesday.  We continued our writing of Stick Man by thinking about all the different ways Stick Man was used.  We made playdough ladybirds to help with our addition.  The nurse came in to check our height and eyesight and talk to us about healthy eating.  We continued to learn our tricky words by making them from playdough and taking photos. During topic time one of our challenges was to learn how to sew and we did an amazing job!  We learned all about St Andrew and did some highland dancing! We will be celebrating St Andrew’s day on Friday with the Primary 5 mass at school.


Week beginning 19th of November

It’s been a busy week in Primary 1.  We have listened to the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson and then went outside to find sticks to create our own Stick Man.  We made a nest for the swan and found our Stick Man tree in the playground.  We made a 3d story map with story stones and wrote a sentence about who Stick Man met on his adventures.  We have been continuing to learn how to add two numbers within 10.  We are working really hard on our nativity learning our lines and the songs.


Week beginning 12th of November

Primary 1 have had a busy week.  We have been practising our nativity ‘A Miracle in Town’ and the songs are sounding great! We have been learning our new sounds ‘z’ and ‘w’ and using magnetic letters to build three letter words.  We have been learning about addition using numicon and continuing to work on our number formation.  We have been making lego toys and we have set up a toy shop in our classroom.



Week beginning 5th of November

Primary 1 have been celebrating Bonfire night and Diwali this week.  We twisted pipe cleaners into star shapes to print fireworks.  We explored Diwali by going into role as Rama and Sita.  We made Rangoli patterns with chalk and designed Mehndi patterns on hand templates.  For our Toys topic we created models of toys using cardboard boxes, we made our own playdough and drew detailed drawings of toys.

Week beginning 29th of October

Primary 1 have had a busy week.  We listened to the story of ‘Room on the Broom’ and sequenced the story using talking tins to record the events in the correct order.  We dressed up for Halloween and paraded in front of the school, we looked fantastic!  We designed a broom for the Witch to ride on using lego bricks.  We walked to church to celebrate mass for All Saints Day.


Week beginning 23rd of October

Welcome back!  Primary 1 are very excited about the term ahead.  Our new topic is ‘Toys’ and we have set up a Puppet Theatre in the classroom.  We have been learning all about 2d shape and have made shape pictures and played bingo.  We sang some Halloween songs at music time with Mrs Bain.  We had our St Joseph’s Bake off in the school this morning and the children brought in some amazing cakes!

Week beginning 1st of October

Primary one have been observing the signs of Autumn in our playground this week.  We went on an Autumn Scavenger Hunt in the playground and listened to the story of ‘The Very Helpful Hedghog’.  We did leaf rubbings and made pictures using leaves.  We took part in a LEPRA workout to raise money which was really fun and for a great cause! We got the opportunity to use an apple press by using the apples picked in our playground to make apple juice, it was delicious!  We used numicon to continue to develop our number sense within 10 and beyond.


Week beginning 24th of September

Primary 1 have been celebrating European Day of Languages this week.  We have been teaching each other to say hello and goodbye in French and Polish.  We designed a map of our playground for our Beebot map.  We interviewed Tracey and Claire our dinner ladies about their role at St. Joseph’s and came up with some super questions!  We have been using our sound and letter knowledge to word build using our magnetic boards.

Week beginning 10th of September

Primary 1 have had a great week!  We have been creating a display for the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We have been learning the sounds r, e and h and building words using our magnetic boards.  We learned to programme the Beebots to go on a journey. We have been learning a song to perform for Mrs Wilson at her Leaver’s Assembly on Friday.