All posts by J Reed

World Book Day 2020

This week we had the opportunity to design a book bag and enter it into a competition. We look forward to finding out the results.

Here are some of our amazing book bags.

We also brought a book in and were able if we wanted to swap it for another book.  We enjoyed this fun way of getting a new book.

Mr Reed was amazed at how much sponsorship money was raised for our Wellie Walk on Friday and as soon as all the money is counted we will find out how much we raised. We a;ll want to say thank you for sponsoring us.

Primary 6


A feast fit for a King

This week has been full of new and exciting learning in Primary 6. The weather forced our FUTSAL session to be held in the hall but as it was pretty cold we did not mind.

Tuesday was Pancake day and Mr Reed spent time with every child and with a little help made a delicious pancake. We all expected some to end up on the ceiling or floor but Mr Reed somehow managed to save them all. A good job really as we all wanted to eat our own ones.

We all took part in our Ash Wednesday assembly and used this time to reflect on this very important time.

We also had our first Rugby taster session, which was really good fun and it stayed dry for us so we were outside. Getting muddy whilst enjoying Rugby was great fun.

Thursday we spent the afternoon classifying animals using carefully chosen questions. It was like a game of ‘Guess Who’ It was good fun with lots of learning through this type of activity.

Primary 6

Too much sauce!!!

Primary 6 finished the week with a fun and hands on investigation to determine what sauce is best at not falling off a chip.

Mr Reed was unhappy yesterday when every time he went to eat a chip all the sauce that was on his chip slid off and landed on the plate. We carried out our own investigation to determine which sauce had the most viscosity and which had the least.

With the results in Mr Reed can always ensure that he has sauce with his chips.

Next week we not only have FUTSAL on Monday afternoon  but for the next few weeks on a Wednesday afternoon we also have  rugby taster sessions. We must remember to bring in outdoor clothing from next week.


Primary 6


Happy Holidays

As we arrive at the beginning of the holidays, primary 6 have been reflecting on what has been a really fun and informative start to 2020.

Much of our learning has been focussed around the devastating fires that have been burning in australia for many months now. Through this we have created pieces of artwork, information pages, written stories, learnt locations of cities and of debated environmental issues.

We have also been enjoying learning about electricity and how to make working circuits using various components. We designed and made our own working switches, which we will use when we begin making our own working lighthouses after the holiday.

We have reached the end of a fantastic book by Kathleen Fidler ‘ The Desperate Journey’ which told the story of a family evicted from their home during the highland clearances.

Despite the weather primary 6 have continued to have an outdoor learning opportunity each week. We have been doing maths and spelling games as well as creating games which we hope to teach to primary 2 after the holiday.

Have a great holiday

Primary 6


We are electricians.

This week has been a week of wonderful learning in Primary 6; we begun the week with Futsal and enjoyed being outside learning new skills. As the week has gone on we have been busy learning and preparing for the Burns Assembly. We have had such fun editing a poem to make it our own. I am sure you will enjoy it. If you were not able to join us we have put it here for you to read.

Meh granny never had the things

That maist fowk hae the day,

She never watched a NETFLIX show

Or heard Spotify play.

She never yaised a Nerf Gun

Or shopped in B and M.

She always yaise a  tea cosey

An‘ ended  with Amen.


Meh granny never ate Nandos

Or wore designer boots

She never drank a can o’ bru

Or tasted passion fruits.

She never smelt the scent of Greggs

O’ eaten a vindaloo

An’ she never played an X box.

Facebook ,she never knew.


Meh granny never wore a bikini,

No even in her teens.

She never wore a mini skirt

Or Primark’s skinny jeans.

She never had her hair in spikes

Or dyed it blue and white,

An’ she never had her airms tattoed

Or partied for a night.


Meh granny never had her own hoose

Wi’ mod cons like we hay

The kitchen was her main room,

The loaby her hallway.

The carpets were but clootie rugs

That she’d made piece by piece,

An’ her vacuum wis a besom heid

That worked wi’ elbow grease.


Alas, meh granny’s no longer living near

She lives in a care home

She’s sairly missed, but nontheless

That’s whaur she’ll hae tae be

Hoo’ever—should she get tae hear

O’ a’ the things we’ve got,

I’m shair she’ll hobble onto a bus

An’ come back here like a shot.


We have continued to learn about the devastation in Australia, and wrote a story as if we were one of the animals caught up in the fires. This writing opportunity allowed us to write in the first person as well as carefully consider how to include each of the senses. Mr Reed even put some of our work up on display as it was so well written.

We have also been given the opportunity to explore electrical circuits and even build circuits which was great fun, there was lots of ‘lightbulb’ moments.

We have been told that we will be continuing our partnership with Donaldson School and sessions will begin again next Friday.

Primary 6

What a great start to 2020

It has been a great start to 2020 in Primary 6, we have been really busy with our topic as we pay particular attention to the devastating wildfires in Australia. We created pieces of artwork which were inspired by what we had been learning. These have been put together to create a display in the corridor outside the classroom. We would love it if  you came to see our work

We are also preparing for our Robert Burns assembly next Friday and have been looking at various Scottish poems. We found one which we liked but thought that as a class could do better so we have been busy becoming poets as we adapted and improved a poem. We hope that you will be able to come and hear us perform our poem.

Primary 6

It’s Christmas!!

What an amazing end to what has been a wonderful term together.

The children have been incredible, they have managed to keep going right to the end despite all the changes to the timetable and normal routines of the week.

We shared a great Christmas party with P7 and enjoyed lots of crazy games.

As we end the term, I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous new year.

Mr Reed

The adventures of Primary 6

Over the past two weeks Primary 6 have been even busier than usual; we have been away from the school to play golf, we have had visits from the NSPCC and Show Racism the Red Card  as well having our flu vaccinations

Last week we had two visitors form the NSPCC, they came to talk to our class about keeping ourselves safe. We talked about lots of different areas and found the videos very informative. It is always good to be reminded about what it means to keep ourselves safe at all times.

We also had a visit from Chris; he works for an organisation called Show Racism the Red Card. Even through it sounds like it should just be about footballers it actually covered lots about racism and how it must be stopped from happening. Some of the conversations we had in our class were very challenging and made us think about things in a different way.

We had our second visit to Kingsfield Golf Club where we continued to practise our golf. We played a great game of noughts and crosses which forced us to hit the ball with even more accuracy. It is clear that in Primary 6 we have some great golfers.

Last Friday we had a great time during our outdoor learning as Mr Reed set us the challenge to build dens using what we could find outside. The den must be big enough for at least one of us to get inside and we also had to make our dens even more interesting by being able to share with the other groups all of the features that we had included. It was great fun and we enjoyed using our imagination to make our dens even more exciting.

We are continuing to learn about Andy Goldsworthy and learn more about his style of artwork. We tried to make our own version of one of his pieces of art which was great fun even though it took a long time to complete. Our work is now displayed outside of the classroom for everyone to see. This week we learnt about how he uses nature in many of his sculptures. Mr Reed then asked us to collect 3 sticks of similar size and then showed us how to make triangles tying them together in a particular way. We then began tying the triangles together and slowly, very slowly the sculpture began to take shape. We haven’t finished this yet so can’t share the finished sculpture with you yet.

Four of us went up to Donaldson School to work with some of the pupils there. It was really interesting to go to an alternative school and meet children and teachers and join in their learning. Perhaps we will be teachers in the future. Everyone will get the chance to go to Donaldson over the next few weeks.

I wonder what next week has in store for us!

Primary 6

What a wonderful reward

Today has been amazing, we have had lots of fun dressed in our Halloween costumes. Even our work today focussed on Halloween as Mr Reed set us some really tricky maths which had a spooky theme.

We had our Halloween procession in the hall which gave us the opportunity to see all the different costumes worn by the children and even the teachers had joined in and were in their costumes. We ended our day with our reward afternoon so we were treated to lots of activities put together by the Primary 7’s and all the support staff.

We are looking forward to our Mass tomorrow and have been preparing ourselves, learning our words and creating some lovely work as our work of the hands. We hope as many parents and carers are able to join with us tomorrow at 11:45am.

Primary 6

End of Term

It has been a wonderful term in Primary 6, so many great learning opportunities have been embraced by everyone. We have ended the term reflecting on our topic and realising just how much we have learnt about myths from around the world.

It was lovely to meet with so many parents this week and share with you some of the work that the children have been doing in class.

Today our Free Writing Ambassadors were visited by some of Primary 2 to support them and encourage them to embrace Free Writing in the same way as we in Primary 6 have.

Have a wonderful break and enjoy some family time with your wonderful children.

Mr Reed