The adventures of Primary 6

Over the past two weeks Primary 6 have been even busier than usual; we have been away from the school to play golf, we have had visits from the NSPCC and Show Racism the Red Card  as well having our flu vaccinations

Last week we had two visitors form the NSPCC, they came to talk to our class about keeping ourselves safe. We talked about lots of different areas and found the videos very informative. It is always good to be reminded about what it means to keep ourselves safe at all times.

We also had a visit from Chris; he works for an organisation called Show Racism the Red Card. Even through it sounds like it should just be about footballers it actually covered lots about racism and how it must be stopped from happening. Some of the conversations we had in our class were very challenging and made us think about things in a different way.

We had our second visit to Kingsfield Golf Club where we continued to practise our golf. We played a great game of noughts and crosses which forced us to hit the ball with even more accuracy. It is clear that in Primary 6 we have some great golfers.

Last Friday we had a great time during our outdoor learning as Mr Reed set us the challenge to build dens using what we could find outside. The den must be big enough for at least one of us to get inside and we also had to make our dens even more interesting by being able to share with the other groups all of the features that we had included. It was great fun and we enjoyed using our imagination to make our dens even more exciting.

We are continuing to learn about Andy Goldsworthy and learn more about his style of artwork. We tried to make our own version of one of his pieces of art which was great fun even though it took a long time to complete. Our work is now displayed outside of the classroom for everyone to see. This week we learnt about how he uses nature in many of his sculptures. Mr Reed then asked us to collect 3 sticks of similar size and then showed us how to make triangles tying them together in a particular way. We then began tying the triangles together and slowly, very slowly the sculpture began to take shape. We haven’t finished this yet so can’t share the finished sculpture with you yet.

Four of us went up to Donaldson School to work with some of the pupils there. It was really interesting to go to an alternative school and meet children and teachers and join in their learning. Perhaps we will be teachers in the future. Everyone will get the chance to go to Donaldson over the next few weeks.

I wonder what next week has in store for us!

Primary 6

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