Searching for symmetry.

As part of our outdoor learning we were challenged to look for symmetry in nature by Mr Reed. Our first challenge was to find a leaf which when folded in half was symmetrical. After much searching we as a class had to agree that Cerys’s leaf was the most symmetrical leaf.

We then created symmetrical art using natural items that we could find on the playground and had a competition to see which was the best example of symmetry.

Throughout the week, as part of our topic we have been learning about the different gods of Ancient Greece and have been learning the connections between them. We have used what we learnt to aid our writing and included one in our writing task.

Primary 6 and Primary 7 have been invited to take part in a really exciting project which will draw upon our designing and artistic skills as we create a section of a mosaic that will be displayed here in Linlithgow. The project involves the other primary schools in the town and we are really excited to be part of it.

Mr Reed led a class discussion about the need for clean water and how so many people in the world do not have access to clean water like we do. Over the next few science lessons we will be creating different water filters to see if we are able to filter and clean water (we still will not be drinking it.) We will then look to see how clear we can get the water as it passes through various filters that we will be making.

Primary 6

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