Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

March 27, 2020
by Mrs Fairley

Free Writing Friday

Good morning everyone! Hope you’re all good 🙂

As today is Friday please try and take part in ‘Free Writing Friday’. You can use one of your jotters if you have one or any other way that you like!

Remember Free Writing Friday was inspired by the author Cressida Cowell who writes ‘How to Train your dragon’, here is a link to some resources:  https://www.hachetteschools.co.uk/category/hachette-schools-posts/hachetteschools-free-writing-friday/

March 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Important Information

Dear Parents

Can I remind everyone to use initials rather than names if you are referring to your child within comments.   At Harrysmuir we always put our pupils’ safety and privacy first and strive to avoid anything that would result in them being identifiable.  Many thanks! 🙂

March 26, 2020
by Mr Blackwood

Primary 6 Home Learning

Hello there.  So far Primary 6 seem to be engaging really well with Teams, therefore Mrs McDermott and I would really like that to continue.  There have been some issues with Teams that we are aware of, but as long as pupils continue to read the posts we put on there, or let us know of problems that they are having, then we will continue doing all we can to solve these.  In case there are some pupils still struggling to access Teams then we thought we would put a few things on here as starters but if you could email me at ross.blackwood@westlothian.org.uk then I will do my best to get you onto Teams.  It really is the best way for us all to keep in touch and set work during this unprecedented school shutdown.

For now here are a couple of lists of websites and apps that pupils can use for home learning until we can get everyone onto Teams:

Some Great Websites

Numeracy and Maths resources for learners and teachers

If for any reason, once you have tried contacting me by email, we still can’t get you on Teams then I can post more work on here too.  Thank you and take care.

Mr Blackwood and Mrs McDermott

March 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Hello P1M

I hope you are all well and having lots of fun wherever you are! Just keep doing your best and try to do a little bit of work each day if you can. I thought some of you might be interested in having a go at trying out some science experiments at home, so if you click on the tag below to download it, you just might be able to have a look for something you think will be fun. (Apologies in advance to all your parents and carers if the file doesn’t work, because just like you P1M, I am just learning how to do new things every day!!) Mrs Matthews might be able to fix it for us though, if I ask her very nicely!

Science Sparks Early Years Science book

Mrs Matthews here…. Mrs Meek, I feel that you are are underestimating your IT skills as you have very competently managed to upload the booklet yourself and don’t need any help from me whatsoever.  We are all learning every day.  Here is a little quote that I like….


March 26, 2020
by Mrs Carr

Hello P2/1!

I just wanted to pop on and say a massive “hello” to my P2/1 class! I know it feels such a long time since we last seen each other and I have missed you all lots. I hope you are all fit and healthy and would love to hear about all the things that you are doing to keep busy.

Love and best wishes

Mrs Carr  x



March 26, 2020
by Miss Suen

Story Time !

HelloP1 🙂

It is almost the end of our first home learning week. I missed reading stories to the class! I found a story called Back to Earth with a Bump and decided to read it to you! Before the story, i would like to tell you how impressed i am by the hard work you have done so far!

Lots of you have been playing with some Maths games on Sumdog and literacy  activity on Reading Wise.

Just a little update to let you know that you can now access the spelling task and reading tasks on Sumdog too!

Take a little break and enjoy the story!

Back to Earth with a Bump(wmv)



March 26, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Thursday 26th March

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are all safe and well.

Well done to those of you that have completed this weeks Sumdog assessment. I’ve been impressed with your results so far. You should also take a look at the Reading and Spelling areas of Sumdog as these are free at present.

Keep up with the learning and stay safe.

Mrs Russell and Miss Buchannan

March 26, 2020
by Miss Gorman

P5 Week 1: Home Learning

A number of our Primary 5s are engaging well with Teams but we are aware of some issues relating to accessing the ‘Files’ section. As well as continuing to use Teams for communication and the submission of work, we will upload the tasks here and update regularly.

Home Learning Tasks
Here is a copy of the Home Learning Tasks 23rd March  to be completed by the end of this week.

Maths (circles) –Circles – 23rd March
Maths (squares & triangles) – Squares Triangles – 23rd March
Maths (all) – CHALLENGE 2 step multiplication worded problems
Literacy: Story Starters (all) – 30th March Story Starters
Literacy: Reading (all) – Reading comprehension

Guide to Teams

We’ve created a guide for uploading work, although as of next week (30th March) we will be setting ‘Assignments’ for the children on Teams. This means certain work should be submitted through the ‘Assignment’ tab. This will allow us to give one-to-one feedback on your child’s work.

Guide – Uploading your work

Next week’s tasks will be posted on Monday. We still encourage our pupils to interact via Teams, using mainly our P5 2019-20 page as important information will be shared via the ‘Information’ channel. We would recommend logging on early (before 8:30am) or later in the evenings (after 6:30pm) and downloading any worksheets/tasks provided, as this is likely to be a quieter time.

Miss Gorman & Mrs Davies

March 26, 2020
by User deactivated

Teach Your Monster to Read

Another great game to make reading fun is Teach Your Monster to Read.  The good news is that it is completely free to play on desktop and laptop computers as it’s been provided by a charity, the Usborne Foundation, as a way of helping children learn to read . Click here to visit the site.

There is also a paid-for app for iPhone, iPad and Android which helps to fund the project. You can download it from the App Store and Google Play Store.


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