Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 22, 2020
by Miss Suen

Story Alert!โฐ

It’s the weekend!!! Hopefully the sun ๐ŸŒžwill come out for a little at some point within the next few days.

I tried out the Art activity๐ŸŽจ, the abstract art with dice, i posted yesterday. Here it is! I didn’t have a dice ๐ŸŽฒat home so i went on the internet and found an online dice๐ŸŽฒ! If you๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽจ ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽจtried it, please do send it to the school email ๐Ÿ“งso we can all see your good work! ๐Ÿ™‚

After sharing my abstract art piece, i’m going to share a story ๐Ÿ“š called ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

Oi Dog๐Ÿถ! by Kes & Claire Gray and Jim Field

Here is the activity sheet to go with it ! HAVE FUN!!!๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„

Rhyming Sheet Oi Dog

May 22, 2020
by Mrs Duff

P2 Learning Grid Maths Answers

Hello Primary 2๐Ÿ™‚!

Another week finished – wow! If today is Friday…what day is it tomorrow?๐Ÿ“…

Well, here are the answers to the Maths workbooks/worksheets this week. We hope you are doing okay with them but if you have any problems or questions…or even just want to say how you are doing, PLEASE send us a comment. We’d love to hear from you.๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ฃ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ‘โค

Thank you.

Take care and have a lovely chilled weekend.๐Ÿ˜ด

Love from Mrs Kohler and Mrs Duff๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

18_05_2020 CIRCLES maths answers



May 22, 2020
by Mrs Duff

P2D Sumdog Final Results ๐Ÿคฉ

Good morning P2D!

Well done to everyone who took part in the West Lothian Sumdog challenge. ๐Ÿ˜„Thanks to all your hard work, we did manage to move up another position on the Leaderboard and ended up 45th…out of 134…that’s amazing! I am so proud of you.โค

However…even more amazing news than that…HL worked so hard she came…drum roll๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ…11th in the competition! Yippee!๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ† That was out of 3044 pupils who took part, so a massive well done H.๐Ÿค—

Thank you everyone who took part and I see RW and CS are already on today.๐Ÿ™‚

love Mrs Duff

May 22, 2020
by Mrs Ross

Week Beginning 25th May

Good Morning Primary 7,

Here is everything you need for the week beginning the 25th of May. Please read over the learning grid to begin with and all resources needed will be posted both here and on Teams. This weeks numeracy and literacy tasks should be completed over two weeks. It would be helpful if the numeracy task was completed first.

Thank you,

Mrs Ross and Miss McKean

Area Powerpoint

Fitness Bingo Boards

Fitness Bingo Checklist

GR 3


Learning Grid P7-25th of May- to upload (2)



Opening Up in lockdown – Example

Opening Up In Lockdown

Perimeter Powerpoint

The 39 Clues Chapter 8, 9 and 10

Unit 5

Zoo Designer

Zoo Leaflet Examples


May 22, 2020
by User deactivated

A Cloudy Lesson

Friday 21st May 2020

For today’s activity I have a lovely short animation for you to watch called ‘A Cloudy Lesson’.ย  It’s all about a cloud maker and his apprentice grandson who are busy making clouds.ย  Unfortunately things don’t go according to plan but the pair of them learn that good ideas come from happy accidents.

Tune in tomorrow to learn more about clouds….

May 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Friday 22nd May

Hello everyone,

We hope you have had a good week.ย  We know you have all been working hard! Here are some of fun things for you to do this weekend.

Health & Wellbeing

Take a look at the cards below.ย  All the family can join in with you. These can done indoors or outside if the weather is nice. ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ˜Š


Blair Castleย  โš”๐Ÿ›ก๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿฐ

Take a virtual trip to Blair Castle near Pitlochry. All the castles in Scotland are closed to visitors just now but we can still visit them online.

Click on the link below and take a virtual tour of the Castle grounds and have a peek inside the Castle.ย  You can also visit the Chinese Bridge and take a look at the statue of Hercules.

Blair Castle virtual tour

Art Activity ๐ŸŽจ

If we had been in school this week we would have been doing the activity below.ย  It is very simple to do, and it looks very impressive when it is finished. If you think you would like to have a go, we would love to see your finished products!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. We are missing you all so much!

Mrs Meek, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š



May 21, 2020
by Mrs Duff


Hello! What another lovely day๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒž

I so hope you have been outdoors – or are planning to go out. It’s warm and ๐Ÿฆthe birds are singing.

Here’s your birthday story H. I hope everyone enjoys it. I am so missing our story times.๐Ÿ“š

Mrs Duff made a mistake with the illustrator’s name – oops – sorry. I said Alex instead of Axel. My apologies to Mr Scheffler!

Take care,

Mrs Duff๐Ÿญ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿ




May 21, 2020
by Miss Suen

Just to say HI :)

Hello P1 and P2/1! ๐ŸŒž

Just wanted to say that Mrs Carr, Mrs Meek and I are thinking of you all and hope to see you all very soon!

Found this lovely Art idea๐ŸŽจ yesterday and thought some of our little ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽจ artists ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽจmight want to try it out. Don’t worry if you don’t have a dice๐ŸŽฒ, you can always draw 6 little cards for yourself and pick out the number with your eye closed instead.There are instructions on the top of the sheet. Have fun!

When you finished,๐Ÿ“ธ take a picture of it and send it to us so we can share it with your friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ“ง๐Ÿ“ฎ

I’m planning to do one tomorrow and will share with you all along with anotherย  ๐Ÿ“š story! ๐Ÿ“š

May 21, 2020
by Mrs Duff

P2D Sumdog Update

Good afternoon P2D!

Just to let you know that our class has moved up one position on the Sumdog leaderboard – yippee!๐Ÿค—

We are now 46th – out of 120, so that is fantastic. ๐ŸŽ† Well done to all who are playing.

This is the last day of the competition. It finishes at 8pm tonight.โŒšDo you think we can move up to 45th?๐Ÿค”

The rain has stopped and the sun is out again, so remember to enjoy being outdoors. ๐ŸŒ‚๐ŸŒž

Take care,

Mrs Duff๐Ÿ™‚

May 21, 2020
by User deactivated


Thursday 21st May 2020

For today’s challenge, find out why trees are so important for you, me and the environment. Once you have done that why not go on a tree hunt and see how many different types of tree can you spot using the Leaf ID Sheet below.


Leaf ID Sheet

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