Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

June 19, 2020
by Mrs Duff

πŸ˜ƒ P2 Maths Answers 15.06.20

Hello Primary 2,

I hope you have had a lovely week. I felt it flew by…did you? Only one more week until the Summer holidaysπŸ˜ŽπŸ€—.

You’ll also be glad to know there is no Maths work next weekπŸ˜‹but there is a West Lothian Sumdog competition starting today (Friday) and going on until 8pm on Thursday 25th. Please try and take part. It needs 5 people from each class to get the classes on the Leaderboards. It would be lovely to see both classes taking part.

Meantime…here are the answers to this week’s Maths questions. How did you do?πŸ€”

Mrs Kohler and Mrs Duff hope you and your families have a lovely weekend.😊😊

Take care.

15_06_2020 CIRCLES maths answers

15_06_20 P2 SHAPE Answer

15_06_20 P2 Data Handling Answers

15_06_20 P2 Time Worksheet Answers


June 16, 2020
by Miss Suen

What kind of Giant are you?

Hello P1 and P2/1,

Hope you had to chance to look at all the activities Mrs Meek posted on the blog yesterday.

Here’s a story for you and some activities to go with it.

The Smartest GIANT in Town


Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler





More Activities Ideas

Here are your Random Act of Wildness for the week!

from the 15th of June to the 21st of June.


June 16, 2020
by User deactivated

Summer Fun & Edinburgh Zoo at Home!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all well. There are less than 2 weeks until the holidays and you have all been working so hard!

Here are some more fun activities for you to look at this week. 😊

#Wild About JUNEΒ 

Have a look at the link below. If you love nature you might find some nice ideas for things to do outdoors, such as making a kite, a rainbow and even worm charming!! There are also activities to do indoors too. Just click the box next to the activities and a set of instructions will appear. 🌈🐍

(Some of these activities might be similar to Ms Suen’s Random acts of Wildness but there are also some different tasks.)


This is the checklist for you to keep a note of how many activities you have completed.

Wild about June checklist


The Zoo might not be open again for a while but until then we can still see some of the animals if we look at the LIVE webcam.Β  So far I have had a really good view of the koala 🐨 the penguins 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧 and one morning I saw the panda fast asleep in the corner 🐼 I still haven’t been lucky enough to see the lions 🦁 🦁 or the tigers 🐯🐯

Have you managed to spot any ofΒ  them yet?

If you click on the link below it will take you to the Zoo Home Learning Page and you will be able to find out about some of the different animals in the zoo. As well as the Live Webcam there are lots of photos, videos, information cards, games and quizzes and even some songs you may know already because we used to sing them in class!

🎡🎡 πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ 🎡🎡

Zoo – Learning From Home

Below are some worksheets sheets relating to the activities. You can choose an animal to write about, make a hatching dinosaur egg or even have a go at makingΒ  a Chinese Lantern.

Animal facts

Dino egg pop ups

Ruby+Zed Lanterns

Have a nice day!

We are all missing you.

Mrs Meek, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr 😊😊😊



June 15, 2020
by Mrs Duff

πŸ˜ƒP2 Learning Grids – 15.06.20

Hello Primary 2! Happy Monday. Was it hard getting out of bed this morning?😴

Do you think the days go quicker at the weekend?⏳⏱

Well, when your brain is awake and you’re ready, here are your learning grids for this week. I’ve also put a link on to BBC Radio 2’s 500 words writing competition. The winners were announced on Friday and this link has some famous people like Dr Who (Jodie Whittaker), Dua Lipa and David Walliams reading out some of the winning stories. I’ve heard some of them and they were great. See what you think.πŸ“š

Remember, any questions at all or anything you want to share, please feel free to do so on this Blog or at the P2 email address:


Have a good week.

Love from Mrs Kohler and Mrs Duff.😊😊

2020_06_15 P2 LITERACY GRID

2020_06_15 P2 MATHS GRID


15_06_20 P2 SHAPE

15_06_20 P2 Data Handling

15_06_20 P2 Time Worksheet


June 15, 2020
by User deactivated

Foam Art

Monday 15th June 2020

Happy Monday everyone! For today’s activity I have got a recipe for making foam paint. Mix equal parts shaving cream and glue into a ziplock bag, add food colouring and then, with the bag sealed, squish the bag together until all your ingredients are nicely mixed together.
Cut off a corner at the bottom and pipe the mixture onto a piece of cardboard. Once the art has been completed, set aside so the foam can dry and solidify overnight.

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