Category Archives: Enterprise News

Potato Harvest

Mr McNee our local farmer and Alastair’s daddy came back to visit the nursery children to help harvest our potatoes. The children have been very good at looking after the potatoes and have enjoyed seeing the different stages of growth. We managed to get 32 potatoes of varying sizes weighing in at 500g.  One even looked like a snowman!! We have sent our results off to the Royal Highland Education Trust who are running the competition for the heaviest and most potatoes harvested! A great big Thank You to Mr McNee for all his input!

May 10 041May 10 053

May 10 050

Fun Day Fun!

The weather stayed beautiful this year for our Fun Day. The children enjoyed a bouncy castle, beat the goalie, hook a duck, tombolas, hot dogs, face painting and home baking. We had an eco stall where the children could re-cycle their toys by bringing along one in good condition to swap with one on the stall! A great day was had by all!!

Artie's Olympics

At the end of May we took part in a fund raising event, Artie’s Olympics, for the British Heart Foundation. We had a lovely sunny day for both sessions and all the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  They had to complete 5 activities eg. wellie wanging, mini assault course, jumping beans, hoopla and traffic lights. The children raised the fantastic amount of £402.80!! Well done everyone!

May 10 024May 10 074

may 10 206May 10 080






May 10 065

Our New Sandpit

We  now have a new outdoor sandpit built which was purchased using last sessions Tesco vouchers! Well done to everyone for collecting so many vouchers! Who knows what this sessions vouchers will enable us to purchase for the children!!

May 2010 053

Caterpillars & Butterflies

Our teacher student introduced the caterpillars to the children by reading them the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have two lots of caterpillars in the  nursery one for the am session and one for the pm session. The children have been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly and we have some lovely decorated butterflies for our display. We look forward to releasing out butterflies soon!

May 2010 038May 2010 039

Sowing Vegetables

The children have been busy sowing vegetables. They have been helping to prepare the soil by weeding and raking. We have planted carrots, beetroot, lettuce and spring onions. Once harvested they will make a delicious snack in the nursery!! The children also helped to make a Mrs Scarecrow for our garden by sawing the branches from the christmas tree used in the nursery at christmas time! Doesn’t she look lovely and scary!!!! We have also planted some lovely smelling herbs such as mint, thyme and sage into our herb garden and heathers in the rockery! Our garden is looking good!

May 2010 026

May 2010 019

march 10 143

Apr 2010 058

ParkSmart Campaign

As part of this campaign the children have been learning about the importance of parking safely near the school and indeed encouraged to walk to nursery. At group time we have been talking about being safe when going in the car and how to cross the road safely – always hold hands with an adult; stop, look, listen and think before crossing the road. Whenever we are out walks with the children they are made aware of good road safety and important signs. Earlier in the session the police visited and reinforced this message. They also made the children aware of  not talking to strangers and what to do should they get lost at the shops. The children have all been learning their address! The police brought along their van and allowed the children to have a look inside it!

March 2010 cont 011

Copy of Apr 2010 003

Nov09 245Nov09 261

Dental Visit

Lorraine, our Dental Support Worker, came to nursery recently to talk to the children about oral hygiene. She read the children a story and talked to them about food and drink that is good for their teeth and those that are not. The children then got the chance to clean the teeth of the special visitor Lorraine had brought along with her.

Feb 10 081Feb 10 074





Feb 10 097Feb 10 116