We went to find out how to cross the road safely from the school lollipop lady. We then made our own lollipop sticks so we can teach the children in the Nursery how to stay safe.
Primary 4 Newsletter
Primary 1- Police Visit
Primary Five
Primary five are learning about Fairtrade this term. We are looking forward to a trip to a chocolate factory Thursday 24th September.P5 Newsletter
Visit from the Fire Brigade
P1 Class News Letter
P2 Newsletter
Attached is the Primary 2 Newsletter for Autumn 2015. We are all happy to be back in school and are having fun everyday.
Primary Six Newsletter
We’re all happy to be back at school and have settled well.
Attached is the for the Autumn Term P6 Newsletter Aug 15 for the Autumn Term.
WLC Armed Forces Leaflet for Parents
Bear Grylls has nothing on us!
Primary 7 had a fantastic time at Kingswood camp! They were involved in activities from 9.30 am until 9pm, stopping only to refuel!
The 4G swing was by far the most popular activity, with most of class taking the plunge. Although there were some screams only dogs could hear! Many of the children took the leap of faith where they showed courage and agility.
The blindfolded obstacle course was as much fun for the teachers and leaders watching, as it was for the children. We had a few budding racing drivers on the quads too.
It was a fantastic opportunity for all of the children who took part and it was lovely to see the schools mingling. All of Blackridge’s children made a friend from another school.
On a personal note, I was one very proud teacher. The children’s behaviour was exemplary. They took part in all of the activities with enthusiasm, showed resiliance and bravery when the tasks were tough and their manners were impeccable. Mrs Wilson has also noted their excellent behaviour on the bus, during the delay en route home. The boy’s dorm in Poplar Lodge was by far the tidiest. So, no excuses now you are home boys! The girls were very supportive to those who were feeling homesick. Well done girls!
Not often I’m impressed Primary 7, but you showed me what you are really made of !
Mrs Bell