Tag Archives: digital format

Dyslexia Scotland West Lothian March Open Meeting

The West Lothian Branch of Dyslexia Scotland is a local volunteer led group, which offers information and support to adults and children with dyslexia and to their families, teachers, and other professionals.  The Branch is holding an Open Meeting on Wednesday 20 March 2013, between 7pm and 9pm at West Lothian College, Livingston.  A copy of their flyer is available by clicking here.

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Books for All

Just because you have difficulty reading or turning a page doesn’t mean that you can’t share in the enjoyment of books.

Children and young people may have difficulty reading ordinary printed books for a number of reasons.  The technology that is available to us today makes it easier than ever before for everyone to access books irrespective of their difficulties. By getting hold of a book in digital format, readers can enlarge text, change background colours or even convert books to speech by means of a few simple key strokes on a computer.  CALL Scotland have created the excellent Books for All website which contains a wealth of information on accessible books and provides links on how you can obtain these for your child.