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Additional Support Needs National Advocacy Service and Sources of Information

The new Additional Support Needs Advocacy Service has been awarded to a partnership between Barnardo’s and The Scottish Child Law Centre. It will be available from 14th November 2010 to all parents and young people who have grounds to make a reference to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal.   

Parents of children having additional support needs and young persons having such needs can also seek further advice from the following sources

  • Children in Scotland: Working for Children and Their families, trading as Enquire – the Scottish national advice service for additional support.

Click this link


  •  The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Ltd.

 Click this link,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/

Out of site out of mind?

Below you will find a link to the recently published HMIe document “Out of site , out of mind?”  (May 2010), which provides an overview of provision for children and young people with behavioural needs in local authority bases and special schools, with examples of emerging good practice

This is one of a series of reports following up issues identified in the report “Better Behaviour, Better Learning”.

Out of site, out of mind?

West Lothian Psychological Service – Annual Newsletter

Newsletter SQ May 2010     
This link will take you to the West Lothian Psychological Service’s Annual Newsletter. It includes information on the following: HMIe Inspection Report, Service Improvement Plan, Children who are Looked After, Raising Attainment, Improving Health and Emotional Well Being, Research and Development, Early Intervention, Quality Assurance and Training and Development of staff.

Support for Parents

Parents have the right to have a supporter or advocate present at any discussions or meetings with the education authority.  A supporter might be a friend or relative who can offer moral or emotional support or perhaps take notes to help you remember what was said. 

For further information on how to access support at meetings with West Lothian Education Services contact Alison Raeburn, Principal Support Officer on 01506 777444.

“Contact a Family” can also help you to find an advocacy service in your area.  For more information click on the following link and go to page 7.

Contact a Family  –  Additional Support for Learning (Scotland)

Parent Councils

Parent Councils – General Information


The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 was passed to encourage and support more parents to become involved in their child’s education. The Act came into effect in August 2007.

The main aims of the Parental Involvement Act are to:

  • help parents become more involved with their child’s education and learning;
  • welcome parents as active participants in the life of the school;
  • provide easier ways for parents to express their views and wishes.

To help achieve these aims, all parents are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school and entitled to have a say in what happens at the school.

To find out more about Parent Councils please click on the following link.

Guidance on Planning Documents

If you click on the link below you will find the answers to some frequently asked questions on Individualised Educational programmes (IEPs), Integrated Plans (IPs) and Co-ordinated Support Plans (CSPs)

Guidance on Planning Documents

For more information on planning documents and exemplars of completed IEPs please click on this link.

ASN Support Documents

Enquire, The Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning,  have produced a factsheet which is an introduction to the ways that schools can plan your child’s educatiion and the ways that you and your child can be involved in planning. Click on the link below for Enquire factsheet 2.

Planning children’s and young people’s learning

Dispute Resolution

Customer Care
The Education complaints system is operated by Customer Care. Customer Care provides a focus for the handling of complaints and people who contact Customer Care will have access to responsive and accountable services.
Customer Care will ensure that:
i)  individuals wishing to make a complaint know the procedure
ii) complaints receive a response within a reasonable time, courteously and efficiently
iii)  users are satisfied that their complaint has been taken seriously and properly dealt with
iv) where complaints are found to be justified, EducationCustomer Care

Click here for a link to the Customer Care Booklet