Topic 2

Focus 2 Learning journal/sketchbook

The purpose of a reflective journal/sketchbook is:

To increase active learning  and ownership of learning; to enhance reflective practice and creativity; to foster communication, reflective and creative interaction within a group; critically review something-painting; make decisions to resolve uncertainty; empower or emancipate ourselves as individuals. Moon (1999)

The value of using a reflective journal/sketchbook is it enables one to reflect and record ideas and creativity, then return to previous ideas recorded in a specific moment or time. This then allows moving on and further develop of concepts with a clear mind and renewed vigour. Moon (1999) details ‘moving on’ for

’ personal support and identity, therapy, self-organisation and creativity’.

It is by engaging with art and exploring ideas through a reflective journal/sketchbook that I hope to develop creativity through many forms and media. Gilbert (1998) describes it as a research tool,

‘it as a problem- solving activity full of surprising changes in which the outcomes are not predictable but open-ended’.

As I develop my Blog I feel this is so.  Blogs are an excellent form of communication for the artist teacher ‘making the private public’, Gilbert (1998). A personal learning journal/sketchbook in the form of a  Blog allows one to share experiences and outcomes with both peers and students, gaining an insight into the opinions and suggestions of others. A Blog tracks the progress, evaluation of one’s art work, giving exposure to otherwise hidden creativity.

When reflecting back in time we look critically to learn from previous work. When reflecting forward in time we anticipate- even envision-what might happen, making judgments and new connections in the framing of an arts encounter or learning experience’. Burnard (2006)

Voicethread  offers a double entry journal,  creating  a  forum for discussion with a particular peer group or tutor;  offering  valuable feedback and constructive criticism from people sharing the same experiences.



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