St John Ogilvie RC Primary

November 3, 2016
by Mrs Egan

Learning in the nursery

Learning in the Nursery!

We have had a very busy week this week, with Hallowe’en on Monday, when we had lots of fun dooking for apples.  The children also made pumpkin faces using different shapes and colours. We have had some lovely stories about Winnie the Witch and Splat the Cat this week too. Following on from this, the children have all been interested in dressing up and have tried on lots of different outfits.  They have been engaged in some lovely role play, with great discussions and some super vocabulary being used. Today, some of our morning children asked for a Hallowe’en cafe, so we will see where this interest takes us next in our learning journey!

November 2, 2016
by Mrs Dickie

Learning in the Nursery!

We have had a very busy week this week, with Hallowe’en on Monday, when we had lots of fun dooking for apples.  The children also made pumpkin faces using different shapes and colours. We have had some lovely stories about Winnie the Witch and Splat the Cat this week too. Following on from this, the children have all been interested in dressing up and have tried on lots of different outfits.  They have been engaged in some lovely role play, with great discussions and some super vocabulary being used. Today, some of our morning children asked for a Hallowe’en cafe, so we will see where this interest takes us next in our learning journey!

October 31, 2016
by User deactivated

Halloween Fun!

We have been really busy doing lots of spooky things in P1 around Halloween time. We have been mixing potions, selling potions in the potion shop, experimenting and investigating pumpkins, measuring, printing, painting, writing, drawing and making!

October 4, 2016
by User deactivated

Outdoor Learning in P1B

In P1B we have been independently making lots of maps for lost dogs, diamonds, gold and even sour cherries! Following on from the children’s interest we created some lost posters and followed a mystery map that we found to the woodlands. The map led to a red squirrel, as today was the end of red squirrel awareness week!

Once we got to the woodlands we had a great time playing, climbing, building and eating brambles!

The children learned more about risk and reward when they were picking berries (risk – jaggy thorns, reward – sweet berries!) and they spent time teaching each other about the best way to pick the berries, the best spots to find them and how to tell if they are ripe enough. There was also lots of wonderful problem solving and working cooperatively happening today!

June 21, 2016
by User deactivated

P5 John Muir Award Blog

Take a look at all the work we have been doing in P5 towards our John Muir Award. We have really loved all our outdoor learning this year!

June 6, 2016
by Mrs Callaghan

P6 camp

what a super first day at ford castle.  the weather has been lovely and we have enjoyed some great activities including fencing, archery and the assault course.  looking forward to some challenging activities tomorrow


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May 2, 2016
by Maria Brown
1 Comment

A Friendly Dragon visits P1S and P1D

The boys and girls from P1S and P1D came in from lunch this week to find a sparkly trail from their classroom door which led to a post box, a letter and large plant pot!  The children guessed that it may have been left by fairies or an elf or Santa’s reindeer, Rudolph.  Miss Stebbing read the letter out only to discover that it was from a Friendly Dragon from Fairyland issuing a plea for help!  He wants the children from P1S and P1D to help him rebuild the quickly disappearing Fairyland, due to the lack of children reading fairytales today.  Jack doesn’t have a beanstalk to climb, the 3 Bears don’t have anywhere to live and Miss Muffet has even lost her tuffet!

The letter had burnt bits due to the dragon’s fiery breath.  He also left magic soil and beans which the children planted, using last week’s story writing, ‘How to Plant a Seed’ instruction writing to help.  The next day when the children came into school, they discovered that the magic seeds had grown into a beanstalk for Jack using the very leaves the children made in class!  It was magic!

We eagerly await visit number 2!!!!  Watch this space…

*We are currently experiencing some technical issues with uploading photos to our Blog.  As soon as this is rectified they will be inserted into this post.

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