Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3 Disney Fun 26.6.20

Good morning

Sadly our Disney adventure is nearly over, we hope you have had lots of fun.

We are going to exercise with Mulan.


Enjoy the Toy Story ride.

The Toy Story characters are all very good friends. Can you write a letter to one of your friends? You might want to tell them a piece of news, or what you enjoy doing with them.

How to draw Jack Jack

Now it is time for the summer holidays, we hope you have a fun time with family and friends.  Please remember to stay safe and take care.  We look forward to welcoming you back in August.

Mrs Docherty


Primary 3 Disney Fun 25.6.20

Good morning

Time to get moving with the Lion King!


Task: We’re Flying Through the Air! Enjoy the Aladdin ride, where you fly through the sky on a magic carpet!

Where would you fly to on a magic carpet and why? Describe the setting using your most descriptive words! What would you see, hear, smell, touch and taste in the setting?


Look at the picture of Cinderella’s castle. Can you create your own castle using materials of your choice? You could use sticks, blocks, or anything else that you wish. Be as creative as you can!

Mrs Docherty



Primary 3 Disney Fun 24.6.20

Good afternoon

I hope you enjoyed this mornings activities, now it’s time to continue with our adventure.



Mickey has asked for your help to design a new ride for Disney Land! You could draw your ride or build it out of blocks, recycling etc.

Design a poster to advertise your ride if you wish –remember to include the price, height limit and any safety rules that you have.

How to draw Olaf

Can you follow the instructions to create your very own Olaf, good luck!

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Disney Fun 24.6.20

Good morning

Today we are continuing our Disney adventure and doing Yoga  with a Frozen theme.


Make a postcard to tell somebody all about your virtual trip to Disney Land! You will need to draw a detailed picture on one side and write your message on the other side. Challenge: Can you write the person’s address?

Write a diary entry about your day at Disney Land, remember to include what you did at various times throughout the day. How descriptive can you be?


Watch the clip of Ratatouille, can you help to prepare a meal or snack today? You could look at a recipe with an adult if they are using one.

Write down the recipe/instructions for somebody to follow.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 – 23/06/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the activities this  morning and are ready for some more 🙂

First stop – Literacy – Writing

Watch the Monsters Inc ride clip, it is a 360 degree experience so you can drag the screen to see all around you:

Take a double page in your jotter, and on the first page design your own monster. Think about what they look like and how they behave.  Are they kind, scary, fluffy, angry? Can you think of any other ways to describe them?

On the second page create a story where your monster is the main character.  What do they do? Do they have a problem?  How do they solve it?  Write your story in your jotter and draw a detailed picture to go with it.  Remember to use punctuation!

Next stop – IDL – Weather

Disney World is in Orlando, Florida in America.  Can you find it on a map?

Using the internet, find out what the weather is like in Orlando today. Is it sunny, cloudy or windy? What is the temperature?  Write this down in your jotter.

Compare the weather in Orlando with Whitburn.  What is the weather and temperature in Whitburn today? Is it hotter or colder? How many degrees hotter/colder is Orlando than Whitburn today?

Draw a picture of yourself in Orlando and another of yourself in Whitburn.  What will you wear in each picture?  Think carefully about how you dress for the weather!

Final stop – Art

Finally, if you would like to learn how to draw Minnie Mouse, then follow the directions on this video:

I hope you’ve had fun today.  Check the blog tomorrow for more Disney activities from Mrs Docherty.


This is my last day online before the holidays…. Thank you so  much to all the pupils and parents/carers for the comments and emails over the last few months.  It has been so great seeing your fabulous work!  You have worked so hard and we are very proud.

Have a lovely break over the holidays, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you in August.

Mrs Harding 🙂

Primary 3 – 23/06/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a good rest last night and are ready for Day 2 of our trip to Disney World?!  This morning we will be completing some more Disney-themed activities as it is the last week of term – and Mrs Harding’s last day on the  blog – before the summer holidays.

First stop – Health and Wellbeing

Get moving with a Peter Pan workout:

Second stop – Maths, Position and Movement

Look at the map of Disney World below. Can you find your way through the map?

Describe the directions using the vocabulary we practised last week. (Forward …. steps, turn left / right, forward …. steps, quarter turn clockwise / anticlockwise etc)

  1. Start at the Entrance and go to Donald’s house boat.

2.  Start at the log flume and go to the rollercoaster.

3.  Start at the pond and go to the Frozen ride.

Challenge: Can you give detailed directions on how to get from each place to the next?

Third stop – Health and Wellbeing

Safety Rules

Look at this video of Disney World:

Can you think of any rules or things that you would need to do to keep safe at the park? Think about what you should do on rides, who you would speak to and any extra rules that you can think of.

Either in your jotter or on paper from your art pack, create a safety poster to display the rules you have thought about.  Remember a poster should have a clear title, bold information using words and pictures.


Remember we have our email address if you have any questions or would like to send us photographs of your work:

Mrs Harding


Primary 3 – 22/06/20 PM

Good afternoon!

I hope you all had a fun morning and are ready to continue our adventure 🙂

First stop – Literacy

This afternoon we are going on the Frozen ride!  Watch the video and imagine we are there:

How many words can you think of that rhyme with ‘snow’? (Remember, rhyming words sound the same at the end.)  Record yourself saying all the words you can think of.

For a challenge, can you write your rhyming words as a list in your jotter and then use them to create a silly story?

Next stop – Art

Watch this video and learn how to draw Mickey Mouse:

I hope you all had a fun afternoon.  Join us tomorrow as we continue our adventure!

Mrs Harding