All posts by Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Jigsaw

Good morning boys and girls,

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to find out about the different people in school that can help you. How many people can you think of that help you in the school? Tell someone at home who can help you.

Here are a few scenarios, Jack would like you to think about each of these and work out who you would ask to help you and how you would ask for the help.  The first one I will give an example of how you may ask for help.

You have fallen in the playground and hurt your knee. You might say ‘Please can you help me I have fallen and hurt my knee.’ Who might you ask this question too? Can you try the other examples now.

You are stuck with your maths work

The toilet is flooded

You have lost your lunchbox

Someone called you a name

You are worried about your mum

Your friend won’t let you play


In your jotter Jack would like you to complete the sentence

‘When someone helps me I feel…..’


Have a lovely day boys and girls. Enjoy your weekend and speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Today you are going to be practising counting forwards.

Below is a Hundred square that you can use if you like.

  1. Can you practise counting up to 100 in 1’s
  2. Can you find the number e.g. find number 87?
  3. What number comes after e.g. after 63? is 64.
  4. What number comes 2 after e.g 2 after 45 is 47.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and Sun Safety

Good afternoon boys and girls,

This afternoon for maths you are going to focus on position and movement – ask an adult at home to give you an instruction e.g. place the teddy on, under, beside, in or between.

Can you make it a little bit trickier – place the teddy on the table at the left side?

Why not try this game on espresso with Scrap and see how you get on


After all this nice weather it is really important to keep safe in the sun. Listen to this story below and make a poster to tell people how to keep safe.

On your poster your may draw a picture of someone putting on sun cream and you might write Remember to put on sun cream. Or you could maybe draw someone with a hat on and remind people to wear a hat in the sun. Listen to the story to find out what else to do to keep safe in the sun.

Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and cutting skills

Good afternoon boys and girls,


Today we would like you to focus on subtraction. This means you need to start with a number and you are going to take some away. Ask an adult at home to give you a question, here is one to get you started. Start with 7 and take 3 away. You need to go and collect 7 items and then take 3 of them away. How many are you left with? You should now only have 4.

Once you have practised a few of these using materials why not go onto sumdog where we have set you a challenge!


Why not try improving your fine motor skills this afternoon by practising your cutting skills. Get yourself a toilet roll tube or kitchen roll tube and give it some funky hair. Then get a pen and give it a face like below. Send us your picture once you are finished.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 Maths and French

Good afternoon boys and girls,

We hope you have had a nice morning and are still making the most of the weather.

Today since it is so nice why not go for a walk and see if you can collect 12 stones and 2 sticks. Once your home can you write the numbers 1-12 on the stones and make a clock face. The sticks can be used as the hands. Can someone at home give you a time and can you make it on the clock. Here is an example. Email us your finished clocks.


French – Mrs Grenfell would like you to watch this video  and listen out for the words below

tourne – turn 

le moulin – windmill 

petit – small 

frappé – clap 

les mains – hand 

Can you make up actions for the song? 

Have a lovely day, it is another beautiful day today, enjoy the sun.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia



Good morning boys and girls

Jigsaw Jack today would like you to think about friendship.

First he would like you to listen to this video from toy story

All the toy story films are about friendship and the most special friendship in toy story is between Andy the little boy and Woody the cowboy. Woody is everything a good friend should be. What makes Andy and Woody such good friends? Share your thoughts with an adult at home.

Jigsaw Jack wants to be a good friend! He would like you to help him. Can you sort these statements into true and false depending on if they are something a good friend should be or not.

Be kind

Say sorry if they have upset you

Have no other friends

Care about other people

Have lots of toys and games

Only talk to me

Copy everything I do

Bring me presents all the time


Once you have done that can you draw a picture and write a sentence to say why you are a good friend.

‘I am a good friend because……’


Have a lovely weekend boys and girls,

Speak to you on Monday.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Today for maths we would like you to practise your number bonds to 10.

Can you play hit the button – click on number bonds – addition within 10. See how many questions you can get in 1 minute. Try again see if you can beat your score.


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia