Category Archives: Uncategorized

Snow Day

I hope that you have all had a good day in the snow!

Has anyone managed to try any of the fun things on the Snow Blog?

Even if you haven’t managed,  have a look at the Snow Blog to see what others have done today and leave a comment if you can!

Welcome Back!

I hope that you have all had a good rest over the holdiays and have not been partying too much!

This term we will be finishing off some of our China work and then beginning on our adventure with a Michael Morpurgo classic!

I am looking forward to transforming our minds and our classroom on our voyage!


During both of our PE slots this week we have been exploring the benefits of yoga.

Using a Teen Yoga DVD, we chanted to ease and control our breathing before trying out some of the basic yoga positions:

Everyone seemed so calm and relaxed after the sessions, almost sleepy!

(I’m just wondering if I should start each day with some yoga 😀 )

Parent Consultations

You should have received a letter home this week, for you to return requesting an appointment for our parent consultation.

This is an important time for you and your  son/daughter to come along and discuss with me how well they are coping with Primary 7, or indeed share any concerns that you may have.

I’ll look forward to seeing you when you come along.

Welcome back

I hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday as much as I did.  It was great to have some quality family time before the dark nights are upon us once again!

Just to let you know that in class we will still be working on our Jacobites topic for the next couple of weeks, before starting our new topic about China.



Maths this week has been all about lengths of time.  We decided to see how much that we really knew about what we could do in a given amount of time…

The class faced away from the clock and concentrated really hard on timing 1 minute. 

An easy task? Only for 3 class members!

We then wrote a list of things in school that we could estimate the time of and then use a timer to see if we were close, here are some of them:

  Actual Time
Run upstairs 5 seconds
Visit the office 2 minutes 15 seconds
Playtime bell rings for 10 seconds
Visit P5A 1 minute 34 seconds
Walk to the toilet 32 seconds
Find ‘mechanic’ in the dictionary 1 minute 1 second


To finish off we played a game to challenge others to complete given tasks the quickest! Tossing coins, singing ‘Happy Birthday’, drawing flowers, naming all of the pupils in the class.  Here we are having great fun!