What we have learned about the Jacobites…

We spent our first term learning about the Jacobites.

Please leave a comment below to tell of 3 thing that you learned about them.

What was your favourite lesson or fact that you learned?

12 thoughts on “What we have learned about the Jacobites…”

  1. my favourite thing was

    making the wepons

    drawing of the black house

    the drawing of bonnie prince charly

    my homework done !!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I loved learning about the Jacobites. The best thing was making the weapons and doing all the art and crafts
    I liked doing about the battle of Falkirk and many more countries. Thank you for helping and teaching me. 🙂

  3. My favourite. Three things that we did in the Jacobites were the weapon making the anamorphic art and the black house drawings what I learned that I did not know was there leader was prince Charlie

  4. I loved learning about the Jacobites my favourite thing was making the weapons and I now know my clan motto ” we are ready” thank you for teaching me. 🙂

  5. its billys gran its sound so fasanating i bet it was fun because billys been telling me all about it !!

    love billys granxxx

  6. my favourite thing about the jacobites is the battle of caloden it was so fasanating and my favourite lesson was the wepon makeing it was so funny

  7. hey!
    My favourite things about the Jacobites were:
    the battle of prestonpans, making the wooden weapons and also what food there was in the 1700s!

    Erin Muir xx

  8. my favourite thing about the jacobites was the battle that lasted 4 minets and about what there houses were made of and who was a jacobite my favourit lesson was when we made sworas.

  9. I learned what they used for wepons and food and the battles they were in. The favouraite thing I learned was when prince charlie escaped from the battle

  10. My favourite things about the jacobites was the battle of caloden and what food they ate in the 1700s and the session we made a black house

  11. my favourite thing’s about the jacobites were the battle of caloden and learning who became a jacobite soilder and what food they ate in the 1700’s

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