Procession Details

As the galaday is fast approaching the details are as follows:

Costumes should be paid by the end of this week, Friday 24th.

Costumes can be picked up week beginning 27th on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from Mrs Bett at the end of your child’s session.

On the day of the procession please gather at 11.45am at the Old Academy, the address is Academy Place, Marjoribanks Street.

Keep an eye for the buzzzzing bees!

Posting letters

A small group of children enjoyed creating pictures yesterday to post to their home addresses. They each chose an envelope to use for posting their letters and folded their artwork to fit.

Today we walked to the local shop and bought some stamps.

We walked carefully with each other.

“We need a stamp.” -Amelie said on the way.

We had to wait in the queue to be served.

When it was our turn to be served Miss Robertson asked the group “what do we need?”

“Stamps!” said Ellie.

Anna paid for the stamps, giving the cashier the money and getting the change.

Annie took the stamps and we all headed outside to put the stamps on our envelopes.

“We will need to put it in the postbox now.” -Anna.

We look forward to hearing about the post arriving at the children’s houses.

Spring afternoon

The afternoon children have been super busy bee’s preparing for Spring and Summer. They have enjoyed cleaning the mud kitchen equipment, sweeping the paths, raking the grass and collecting the rubbish.

There was even time to squeeze in some tyre frame building and climbing, potato planting and a visit to the nursery orchard.

There are still plenty jobs left for our Spring Clean on Friday. Come along at 10.30am with your gloves and a brush at the ready. We would love your helping hand in making our nursery garden the best it can be for your children.


Caring for a Bee!

Wednesday was a very exciting day at nursery. William and Eve found a very tired bumblebee in our garden and wondered how we could look after it until it could fly off home. We found some dandelions “to give the bee energy” (Eve) and watched as it spent time collecting the pollen and nectar from them. This captured attention from a wider group of children who were fascinated in having a closer look at the bee, sparking lots of lovely discussion and comments, “it has a huge orange bottom” (Eve), “I can see its’ long tongue ” (Tilly), “it needs the pollen to help things grow” (Thomas)

We observed our bee for the whole day and then again the following morning when we gave it fresh flowers. Happily our bee just needed a long rest and he flew away again after a little while.  Eve was delighted to see this, “we saved our bee! He got lots of energy from the flowers and can fly home again to his beehive!” We were all very happy.

Reduce, Reuse, recycle!

Recycled Nursery Uniform

We have a small selection of used nursery polo-shirts which can be purchased at a discounted price of £1. We are looking for any outgrown or old nursery jumpers, polo-shirts and jackets which we can recycle and give a new home. If you have any donations please hand them into reception, this contributes to our Nursery Green Flag Award. Many thanks for your support.

Spring Clean!

“Some children have enjoyed tidying up the garden which is in real need of a Spring clean!”

  We are holding a Spring Clean on 3rd May at 10:30am – if you would like to come along before collecting your child and help us tidy up our garden, we would greatly appreciate a helping hand.
Please if you can bring along some garden tools; sweeping brush, garden gloves etc. 

We look forward too seeing you all 🙂 

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