Mystery Door


This week a mysterious and tiny door has appeared in our Nursery garden. It has generated a LOT of discussion and questions.

“Who lives there?

“Why is is here?”

“Where are they?”

“How did the door get here?”

“Why won’t the door open?”

“How can we find out who is in there?”


The children have spent a lot of time sharing their ideas and thoughts and even drawing pictures of who might live behind the door…

“Fairies”               “The toothpaste fairy”               “Trolls”                    “A tiny mole”                          “a mouse”

“Elves”                    “Someone very tiny”                  “Tinkerbell”                   “A snail.”


Chloe thought we should find the ‘tiny key’ to open the door “I am going to draw a map to figure out where to get the key!” she said.

Some children thought that it would be nice to decorate around the door and even leave gifts. One of the gifts, a shell, disappeared and we spotted some sparkly dust on the ground… maybe a clue!


We will have to keep our eyes open next week and see if anything else happens at this mysterious little door….

Robot Fever

Robot fever has taken over this week as we gear up for Bathgate Procession on Saturday where we will be dressed as Robots. Costumes are completed and are going out this week, please pay and collect any costumes you have ordered. A HUGE Thank You to Mrs Bett and all of our fabulous parent helpers who have worked so hard to get the costumes completed in time. I know we are going to look amazing on Saturday marching through the town. Please meet us at 11.45 am at the Old Academy all dressed and ready, bringing your best Robot moves and loud voices to sing our Robot Gala Day song:

Robots, robots

Marching all the way

Merriliy, merrily,

Merriliy, merrily,

Shining bright today.

(Row, row, row your boat tune)

With all this talk of Robots the craft table has been very busy this week with children creating, designing and decorating their very own Robots. Take a look….

Stay and Play

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers that came along to one of our Stay and Play sessions this week. The children have enjoyed showing you around their nursery and sharing some of their nursery experiences with you. We hope that the numeracy focused parent sessions were helpful and gave you an insight into the ways in which we are developing a strong sense of numeracy across the nursery. There are still some of the leaflets from the sessions at the nursery entrance so please help yourself if you haven’t received one.

The sun also paid us a visit towards the end of the week and we have been outside in our ever developing garden. Take a look at some of the activities we have been getting up to outdoors this week. Please remember to send your child to nursery with sun cream on during the sunny weather, so that they can make the most of the outdoors in the sun.



Busy Bee’s

Take a look at our Sway below which tracks how our learning and play has developed over the weeks here at Bathgate West Nursery. We are currently following the children’s interests in bees and other insects and mini beasts to develop our planning and activities over the next few weeks. If you and your children discover any interesting information about mini beasts at home please share it with us at nursery and we can add the information, pictures or photos into our floor books. As always, we welcome any comments or feedback on our blog, so please feel free to leave us a comment below.

Outdoor Play

The benefits of outdoor play on a child’s development are huge and here at Bathgate West Nursery we recognise, value and promote this using our fantastic outdoor environment daily and in all weathers.

Outdoor play promotes better mental health by improving better moods. In terms of physical health it provides more opportunities for movement and development of fine and gross motor skills. Cognitive health benefits with more opportunities to make decisions, problem solve and allow creative thinking. Emotional and social health benefits include increased self esteem and higher levels of sharing, co-operating and help with increased social interactions.

Play is so much more than just Play. Take a look at some of the ways we have been playing outdoors this week, including painting, mark making, den building, climbing, making ‘mud soup’, digging, building together, throwing and catching, growing and planting.

Our outdoor area is vital for your child’s development and we are always looking for ways to develop it further, so if any parents or grandparents are happy and willing to get involved in helping us spruce up our outdoors, help children plant and grow fruit and vegetables or have any sports/craft skills that they could come in and share with the children we would love it if you could let us know.


Easter fun

We had a very special visitor at nursery this week. The Easter Bunny hopped by with some sad news… he had lost all of his Easter Eggs out in the nursery playground. Luckily the boys and girls at Bathgate West were keen to help and they managed to find all of the hidden eggs! Great job everyone. 

It was a fun ending to a busy week at nursery where the children have been busy making Easter nests in the snack room and creating their own Easter Bonnets for our Easter parade with the Bunny.

Crazy Hair Day

Thank you to all the children who came into nursery with crazy hair last week. We had lots of fun, but more importantly we raised money for Comic Relief. We talked about Red Nose Day and some children watched a small clip about a little girl whose life was changed by Comic Relief projects. The children reflected on the positive changes  and how the money had helped her. Then they helped to count out the money in our collection pot. We sorted the coins into groups first, discussing their shapes, colour and size and then Mrs Waddell helped us to count the coins. We raised £62 in total. So a big thank you to everyone who donated money.

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