Halloween – Wednesday 31st October

Dear parents/carers,

As Halloween is on a nursery day – Wednesday 31st October , we will be having a Halloween themed day at nursery.  Children are welcome to dress up in a costume if they wish – please if you can try not to wearing masks as it can cause some distress for other children.  There will be a variety of Halloween themed activities throughout the day provided for the children to experience.



Autumn/Winter Clothing

The rain has given us some great big muddy puddles in our nursery garden!
Here are some children having some autumn weather water fun.

We have brought our welly rack inside so children can bring wellies – please ensure their names are on them – to stay at nursery if they wish. There are only a small amount of nursery spare wellies and there are waterproofs suits to allow us to experience the outdoors in the autumn/winter weather.

Please can I ask that you name all your children’s belongings at nursery to ensure they don’t get lost or accidentally taken.  

Thank you!

Secure Entry System

Dear parents/carers

Just to make you all aware, please when dropping off and picking up can I ask for security reasons that you do not pull the secure door it will only open when a member of staff uses the intercom or greets you at the door.

Also next to the secure door is a fire exit door, please can you ensure you and any children do not push it open as it can affect the secure door system.

There is a white switch beside the door on the wall that you push to releases the door and then push the long bar.

Thank you for cooperation.


Outdoor Experiences

Just a gentle reminder, during the nursery session all children have access to free flow play this allows them to play outdoors in all weather.  Please if possible bring your children dressed appropriately – providing them with wellie boots and a waterproof jacket to ensure they can access the outdoors as they wish.

We like to explore in our mud kitchen and get very messy so please ensure your child has a change of clothes just incase.  There is also pink tub of recycled Bathgate West Nursery clothing you can purchase at a discounted price if you wish.

Sweatshirts/t-shirts  £1
Jackets – £5

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Carers


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our children and their families, returning and new, trusting that you’ve enjoyed a lovely summer. We are excited to have Mrs Leamy returning to our team as our Depute Head Teacher and Miss Welsh and Miss Robertson back from their maternity leave. We are very excited about this session and hope that you’re ready to embark on a fun-filled year!


Our Groups

Green group – Miss Reid

Blue group – Miss Wilkins

Yellow group – Mrs Bett

Purple group – Mrs Orr

Red group Mon/Tues – Miss Robertson

Red group Wed/Thurs – Miss Welsh

Orange group – Mrs Drummond


Context for Learning

This session we will be planning our contexts for learning with the children, taking their lead and developing their interests and experiences.  We are hoping that parents will also input ideas and share thoughts children have had at home.  We hope to get started very soon.



Snack Fund

Please can snack payments come to nursery in an envelope with your child’s name on and the amount enclosed.  We will no longer be giving out change for snack payments. Block payments are listed below or weekly payments will continue at £1.50.  Snack payments can also be paid on-line through ipayimpact.  Details will be provided shortly for new pupils.


August to December – 16 weeks – £25.50

Full year – £60.00



Please remember that your child needs to tick their name off with their key worker once they’ve come in and changed into their indoor shoes.  This also provides the opportunity to share any relevant information with your child’s key worker.



WLC Absence Management Policy

Like all schools/nurseries in West Lothian, we follow the WLC Pupil Absence Management Policy.  If your child is going to be absent from nursery please contact the nursery informing us of the reason for his/her absence.  If we do not hear from you by 9.30am/12.50pm, a member of staff will try to contact you. It is, however, preferable if you make contact with us. If no-one is at home when we call, and in line with WLC Policy, we may contact our Health Visitor who in turn may try to contact you or in some instances pay a visit to the home.


Daily Nursery Timings 2018-2019

Morning Sessions 8.00am to 11.12am                      Afternoon Sessions 12.03pm to 4.00pm

Drop off        :          8.00am – 8.35am                          Drop off        :           12.03pm – 12.15pm

Pick up          :           11.00am – 11.12am                     Pick up          :           3.35pm – 4.00pm


Full Day Flexible Early Learning and Childcare

Drop off        :           8.00am – 8.35am

Pick up          :           3.35pm – 6.00pm


If you require to pick up your child earlier for a specific reason, eg doctor’s appointment, please speak with your child’s key worker or Miss Reid/Miss Robertson.



Balbardie PS Parent Council

Given that the leadership team of the school also manage the nursery, anyone interested in becoming involved in the life of the school, can come along to our Parent Council Meetings. Dates are marked in the annual calendar please note your interest with Miss Reid.


Precious Belongings

We would appreciate if anything valuable, e.g. jewellery, special toys, etc are left at home.  Toys from home will often be put down and picked up by other children and this may cause distress to the child whose toy it is, so it is better to leave all toys at home.



Coloured Trays

Please take the time to check your child’s tray, ensuring that all their hard work goes home to you.  We may from time to time use the trays to distribute information, and we don’t want you to miss out on important events.


Keeping up to date – Nursery Blog/App

We would like to introduce our blog to new parents and remind returning parents of this great source of information. You can access news, updates and newsletters on our site:

https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/NurseryNatter/. We will be updating the blog regularly and would love to hear your comments on the activities taking place in nursery. If you have access to the apple app store you can download our nursery app which also has useful information, key dates and reminders about weekly events.



EE2s / Contact Details

You will receive an EE2 form to complete about your child. This ensures we hold up to date medical information and is required to be updated annually. Please return this as soon as possible.

Also, please ensure that we hold up to date contact details, including emergency contact numbers. This is extremely important so that we can contact you quickly in case of an emergency.



Parent/Grandparent Helper Rota

We would like to invite parents and grandparents to become more involved in the life of our nursery.  Council policy now requires any helpers to have a PVG, if you are interested please speak to Miss Reid or Miss Robertson and keep an eye out for a notice in the nursery entrance detailing times we require help.



Nursery donations

As usual the nursery is always thankful for any donations. This session in particular we will be focussing on loose part play. If you have any of the following items that you no longer need we would be very grateful for you to hand them.

  • Old keys
  • Wooden/metal curtain rings
  • Spools/cotton reels
  • Unopened tins
  • Old kitchen utensils
  • Mirrors
  • Wicker baskets
  • Spice jars/Glass jars
  • Door knobs
  • Wooden pegs




Just a gentle reminder that buggies are not permitted in the nursery entrance hall as it poses a health and safety risk for all our users.






We look forward to working with you this session and please remember that we value your input and suggestions.  Please feel free to speak to any member of the team if you have any concerns.


The Nursery Team


Dates for the Diary

Date Time Event
14th September September weekend

Children return 19th





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