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Rag Bag Collection

Our Eco Group’s Rag Bag collection took place took today and a big Thank You to everyone who returned a filled bag for us.  We collected 143kg of donations with 38 bags full! The funds raised will help our Eco Group develop our nursery garden.

The Rag Bag collection has been a part of our ongoing Eco Topic and the children are currently enjoying learning about looking after our nursery, the environment and helping us to reduce, recycle and re use.

We have also been learning our Eco song to help us remember some of the ways in which we can save our planet. The words are attached so you can practice at home too!   Our Eco Code


Easter Fun

We have had an ‘Egg’scellent day at Bathgate West Nursery with our Easter Celebrations. We enjoyed sharing our work in our Easter Bonnet Parade. There was a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny who had lost all of her eggs in our garden and the boys and girls helped to find all of them in our big Egg Hunt. All of the staff  would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and have a safe and fun holiday.

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Exploring Books and Fairytales

The boys and girls are enjoying the Book and Fairy tale Topic so much we are going to extend it for another week! We have been learning some super fairy tale songs, exploring characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes and spotting story characters hidden around our garden. We have also had a very special visitor in our library… Benji Book Bear has come to stay with us. He loves stories and books and the boys and girls at Bathgate West have been spending a lot of time with him in our library, reading to him and listening to stories with him.

We have also taken advantage of the better weather and been out playing in our garden a lot…. we even looked out our slide! It’s been another fun and busy week at nursery!


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Busy Week at Bathgate West

What a busy week we have had at nursery!

On Tuesday we raised a massive £116 for Comic Relief from our Fancy Dress Day and Bake Sale. We also learned a bit more about why we were raising money and had great fun making funny faces as we danced to a Red Nose Day song. Thank you to everyone that contributed.







On Wednesday and Thursday we have all had a great time going to the library. Thank you to everyone that walked with us, especially the afternoon groups as they all got pretty wet.

World Book Day 2015

The boys and girls have been enjoying World Book Day by sharing some of their favourite books from home with their friends.

A  good website to help you explore stories and books with your child at home is the Play Talk Read website. There are lots of ideas, activities and of course stories to enjoy together!


A colour fling for Holi.

We have been celebrating the Hindu festival of Holi in the nursery this week. Holi is a fun festival of colours which celebrates the arrival of spring. Some of the children in the nursery went outside for our alternative ‘colour fling’ and instead of throwing paint at each other we threw paint at large sheets of paper. The results were  pretty impressive!


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A visit from Baby Lewis

Many of our children at the nursery are lucky enough to have become big brothers and sisters over the past few months so there has been a lot of baby chat and baby role play in the house corner. We were lucky enough to have a visit from little baby Lewis and his Mummy who shared with us all of the important things parents must do to look after and care for a new baby. We now know what a big job this is and we have been practising with our own baby dolls in the house corner. We would like to thank Baby Lewis for coming to see us with his great big smiles and of course his Mummy, the boys and girls loved having such a special visitor at the nursery and are hoping to see him again soon.


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We have been celebrating all week at Bathgate West Nursery! First it was Pancake Day on Tuesday and then we looked at how the Chinese celebrate their New Year on Thursday. We sampled some delicious Chinese foods, made Chinese lanterns and even had our own Good Luck Dragon Dance carnival around the nursery!


A Big Thank You from the Eco Group.

The Eco group would like to thank everyone for helping recycling so many Christmas cards and stamps over the festive period.

We collected over 1000 Christmas Cards which were handed into the Marks and Spencer’s Recycling scheme and as a result The Woodland Trust will be able to plant 1 new tree on behalf of Bathgate West Nursery!

We also collected almost 2000 stamps for recycling which were sent away and turned into cash for REACH Charity, which supports children with upper limb differences. So again, thank you for help us make a little difference.

The Eco Group will be busy again very soon, attempting to reduce waste and recycling more items! We will be holding a Book Swap in the nursery in March so look out for details coming very soon!

As always our recycle station at the nursery is looking for used batteries, old phones and used ink cartridges to recycle, and we are always looking for junk materials to recycle in our Craft area.

Thank you for your help and support.

The Eco Team