Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crossing patrol visit

We had a lovely visit from Catriona the crossing patrol lady today. We have been exploring people who help us and the jobs people do, so it was nice to speak to a real person who told us all about their job and the uniform she wears. Remember to give the Lollipop men and women  a smile and a wave when you see them!

If you or any family members have an interesting job that you could share with the children and answer their questions, please let us know, we would love you to come in for a short visit and talk to the children about what you do.

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Using your mobile phone to access our learning….

You may have noticed at the entrance and at our Parents board there are some QR codes on the wall. If you have a QR App that reads QR codes on your mobile device, you can simply scan our QR codes and they will take you directly to our online planning Sways (these are always available here on the blog too).

These codes will be all around the nursery next week during the Stay and Play sessions, so please use your phones to scan the codes to gain access to the links and see what we have been learning and how we plan here at Bathgate West Nursery. Please speak to a member of staff if you are unsure how to use the codes but would like to use them.



People who help us.

The children at nursery have recently been talking a lot about Firemen and this has led on to many discussions about people in our community who help us. We are looking for any parents, grandparents or family members that work in any public service that might be able and willing to come in for a short talk with the children about the job that they do and how it helps other people. Please let us know so that we can help develop and extend this new topic with the children with some valuable real life experience.


In the meantime please take a look back at the past few weeks of learning here at Bathgate West using our Sway…

Pies, Peas and Bingo Night

Pies, Peas & Bingo Night

British Legion, Bathgate


  Thursday, 30 March 2017

Tickets are on sale in the

Nursery at £2.50 each

(This includes a pie at the break)


We are looking for donations of prizes for the Bingo and raffle on the night. Donations of bottles, chocolates, toiletries, or any other gifts would be much appreciated and can be handed into the nursery at any time.

We are also going to be contacting local businesses so if you have any contacts please let Mrs Bett know.

Bathgate West Highland Games

The sun was shining down on us for today’s Highland Games. The children all took part in the three events, Toss the Wellie, Hurl the Haggis and the Tattie and Spoon race. We cheered on our friends and enjoyed getting active out in the sunshine. We all received a certificate to take home so a big well done to everyone who took part and tried their best today… Ya done awfy weel.

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Burns Supper

This week has had a very Scottish feel as we have been preparing for Burns day and our Burns Supper today. We have been creating our own tartan and painting Hairy Haggis’. The children have enjoyed dressing up in their tartan and we all sat down to our Burns Supper together for snack today. We were lucky to have one of our parents in to pipe in our Haggis and Mrs Drummond beautifully read out the Selkirk Grace before we tucked into our supper of haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by some shortbread. After our feast we continued the Scottish celebrations with spot of ceilidh dancing .

It’s been a braw wee day and we’re looking forward to continuing the Scottish celebrations with our Bathgate West Highland Games tomorrow.



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Bathgate procession ideas

It’s that time of year already when we need to start preparations for our theme and costumes for the Bathgate Procession. Our suggestion board is now up and waiting for all of your ideas! We will then ask the children to vote for their favourite theme.

Please add your suggestions using the post it notes.

