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Summer swimming

We have been asked to let all parents know….
Youngsters who are aged 15 and under in West Lothian can swim free during the school summer holidays.
The free swimming programme is funded by West Lothian Council and allows youngsters aged 15 and under to swim for free, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm, Friday 30 June –  Friday 18 August.
Swimming is available at Xcite pools in Armadale, Bathgate, Broxburn, Linlithgow, and Whitburn, as well as West Lothian Leisure pools in Deans and Inveralmond Community High Schools, and West Lothian Council’s Fauldhouse Partnership Centre. Free swimming is available for one session per day per person (max 1 hour). Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Limited spaces are available. Terms and Conditions apply. Xcite Livingston will be offering a discounted rate of £1.00 per swim session for 15yrs and under, Monday – Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm, 30 June – 18 August.
For more information about free swimming during the summer and for swim guidelines please visit:

Sports Day

It was our Bathgate West Sports Day this week and all of the children took part with enthusiasm and energy. We had 3 very competitive races including the sprint, the egg and spoon race and the bean bag race. To finish up the siblings and parents races were cheered on by all. It was a great day and a big thank you to all who came out to support, cheer on and encourage the children. We hope they wear their medals with pride. Here are just a few pictures from Monday.


Snack by the campfire

Following on from one of the children’s requests to have snack by the camp fire, we have been working hard to make this happen.

Today the afternoon children all had the opportunity to cook their own snack on the campfire and we shared out snack sitting around the fire together.

The children followed all safety rules and carefully toasted their hot dog sausages over the fire before sitting back and enjoying their hotdogs together around the fire.

“My sausage is all hot!”

“The fire is cooking it!”

“This is the best snack ever!”

“Can we cook marshmallows too?”

Bathgate Procession Day 2017

Thank you to every single one of you that came out, walked, cheered and waved on Saturday at Bathgate Procession. Our Bathgate West Robots looked spectacular marching through Bathgate and it was so lovely to see so many of our boys and girls taking part, singing our song and cheering on along the way.

Once again a HUGE thank you to Mrs Bett and the parent helpers who have spent weeks and months preparing for this event, working so hard to ensure that as always… Bathgate West is the Best!

We hope all of our families had a super day with each other and lots of memories have been made. Here are some of the photos that Mrs Bett managed to get on the day! Enjoy and see you all on Tuesday!


Mystery Door


This week a mysterious and tiny door has appeared in our Nursery garden. It has generated a LOT of discussion and questions.

“Who lives there?

“Why is is here?”

“Where are they?”

“How did the door get here?”

“Why won’t the door open?”

“How can we find out who is in there?”


The children have spent a lot of time sharing their ideas and thoughts and even drawing pictures of who might live behind the door…

“Fairies”               “The toothpaste fairy”               “Trolls”                    “A tiny mole”                          “a mouse”

“Elves”                    “Someone very tiny”                  “Tinkerbell”                   “A snail.”


Chloe thought we should find the ‘tiny key’ to open the door “I am going to draw a map to figure out where to get the key!” she said.

Some children thought that it would be nice to decorate around the door and even leave gifts. One of the gifts, a shell, disappeared and we spotted some sparkly dust on the ground… maybe a clue!


We will have to keep our eyes open next week and see if anything else happens at this mysterious little door….

Robot Fever

Robot fever has taken over this week as we gear up for Bathgate Procession on Saturday where we will be dressed as Robots. Costumes are completed and are going out this week, please pay and collect any costumes you have ordered. A HUGE Thank You to Mrs Bett and all of our fabulous parent helpers who have worked so hard to get the costumes completed in time. I know we are going to look amazing on Saturday marching through the town. Please meet us at 11.45 am at the Old Academy all dressed and ready, bringing your best Robot moves and loud voices to sing our Robot Gala Day song:

Robots, robots

Marching all the way

Merriliy, merrily,

Merriliy, merrily,

Shining bright today.

(Row, row, row your boat tune)

With all this talk of Robots the craft table has been very busy this week with children creating, designing and decorating their very own Robots. Take a look….

Stay and Play

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers that came along to one of our Stay and Play sessions this week. The children have enjoyed showing you around their nursery and sharing some of their nursery experiences with you. We hope that the numeracy focused parent sessions were helpful and gave you an insight into the ways in which we are developing a strong sense of numeracy across the nursery. There are still some of the leaflets from the sessions at the nursery entrance so please help yourself if you haven’t received one.

The sun also paid us a visit towards the end of the week and we have been outside in our ever developing garden. Take a look at some of the activities we have been getting up to outdoors this week. Please remember to send your child to nursery with sun cream on during the sunny weather, so that they can make the most of the outdoors in the sun.