One thought on “WeLcOmE!”

  1. Hi boys and girls,

    I’m so pleased that you have all enjoyed getting back to or starting nursery. You all looked like you were having a good time when I was visiting. I’m looking forward to seeing all of the fun activities you will be doing in the nursery this year. I know you will have great fun.

    I hope you enjoyed having the P6 Nursery Carers visit this afternoon. You will see lots of them during this year when they come to visit with Mrs Spence, Mrs Waddell, Mrs Stewart or I. They’ll need you to show them around the nursery which I know you’ll be brilliant at. Some of them went to Bathagte West Nursery when they were younger and love coming back to see everyone. Look out for the P6 children visiting lots during the year.

    Miss Henderson

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