Welcome Back

A huge welcome (and welcome back) from all of the staff at Bathgate West Nursery. This week we have enjoyed seeing all of the children old and new and hearing all about their summer adventures. We are slowly getting back into the nursery routines and our returning children are helping our new friends to find their feet around the nursery and building their confidence. Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on settling in our new children and reminding all of the children how we can all stay happy and safe at nursery.

Please remember that we use our outdoor area every day and in all weathers so make sure your child is dressed for the appropriate weather that day .

We are also looking for any donations of tissue boxes so help keep our nursery as germ free as possible!

This Blog is regularly updated with lots of information, photographs and planning links to keep you informed about everything that is going on in nursery so please check it regularly and also download our lovely App so everything is easily accessed from your mobile device.

As always, thank you for your support.

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