Easter fun

We had a very special visitor at nursery this week. The Easter Bunny hopped by with some sad news… he had lost all of his Easter Eggs out in the nursery playground. Luckily the boys and girls at Bathgate West were keen to help and they managed to find all of the hidden eggs! Great job everyone. 

It was a fun ending to a busy week at nursery where the children have been busy making Easter nests in the snack room and creating their own Easter Bonnets for our Easter parade with the Bunny.

Crazy Hair Day

Thank you to all the children who came into nursery with crazy hair last week. We had lots of fun, but more importantly we raised money for Comic Relief. We talked about Red Nose Day and some children watched a small clip about a little girl whose life was changed by Comic Relief projects. The children reflected on the positive changes  and how the money had helped her. Then they helped to count out the money in our collection pot. We sorted the coins into groups first, discussing their shapes, colour and size and then Mrs Waddell helped us to count the coins. We raised £62 in total. So a big thank you to everyone who donated money.

Creative recycling

Today some of the children helped to recycle old cable drums that have been handed into the nursery from a local electrician. We had a look at some examples of how we can creatively recycle them and set to work painting them. Take a look at what we have been busy creating….we have lots more cable drums to use and lots more ideas, so keep an eye out for our masterpieces dotted around the nursery and the gardens.