Our learning Journey…

Our planning at Bathgate West is changing and we will be updating you soon on some of these changes, but to give you an example of how our new child led and consultative planning is developing you can check out our Sway below , which illustrates our recent and ongoing learning journey here at Bathgate West.

Remember to click on the photographs to flick through the stack of pictures and also click on the icons in the corner to read the captions. As always we love to hear your thoughts and feedback so please leave a comment and tell us what you think.

Our floor book is always out on the nursery floor, so please feel free to take a look anytime you like and the Sway will continue to be updated as our learning journey progresses.


One thought on “Our learning Journey…”

  1. What a fantastic insight into their learning at nursery. Daisy has been helping her granny to measure her baking ingredients

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