Grandparent’s Day 2016

What a wonderful day at Bathgate West we had today when some of our Grandparents came to join us in our celebration of Grandparent’s Day! Lots of Grans and Grandads came in to see our nursery, find out what we like to play and what we learn about at nursery. We had a few treats and surprises for them along the way… with cakes and biscuits, a video of special messages for them and then a few songs and dances, which they joined in too!

We hope all the grandparents and grandchildren enjoyed the opportunity to share their nursery experience together and it was a pleasure to put faces to some the Grannies and Grandads we hear so much about. So thank you for all of the delicious home baking that was donated, thank you for all those who managed to make it along and a thank you to the staff who work so hard to make days like today such a success.

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Rag Bag Collection

Please remember to hand in any Rag Bag collections for recycling. Our Rag Bag collection will be on Monday 10th October and we receive money in exchange for the donations, so if you have any old clothes, curtains, bed covers or fabrics please bag them up and bring the into us before the 10th. There are spare bags at the front door if you would like extra, please help yourself.


Our learning Journey…

Our planning at Bathgate West is changing and we will be updating you soon on some of these changes, but to give you an example of how our new child led and consultative planning is developing you can check out our Sway below , which illustrates our recent and ongoing learning journey here at Bathgate West.

Remember to click on the photographs to flick through the stack of pictures and also click on the icons in the corner to read the captions. As always we love to hear your thoughts and feedback so please leave a comment and tell us what you think.

Our floor book is always out on the nursery floor, so please feel free to take a look anytime you like and the Sway will continue to be updated as our learning journey progresses.


At Nursery I like to…

Take a look at our fabulous display in the Rainbow Room, some of the children have created self portraits and been sharing some of their favourites things they like to do at nursery.

We love to share our thoughts and ideas in nursery and this was a great way for the children to share some of their opinions.


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Splish, spalsh!!

After the rain had come down all day long, we managed to get outside this afternoon where we found some pretty impressive puddles… apologies for the wet and messy clothes that may have been sent home but it seems a muddy puddle is far too much temptation for our curious learners who just wanted to jump, splash and explore. As you can see in these photos, they had lots of fun (washing the clothes might not be so fun…sorry!).

Therefore it seems like a good time to remind everyone that outdoor learning is a very important and large part of our curriculum and experiences here at Bathgate West, so please always bring your child into nursery dressed for the weather not in their finest and a spare change of clothes is always handy too!

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Pots and Pans Plea!



We are sending out a little plea for any old pots, pans, baking trays and utensils to stock up our mud kitchen in our garden and also to create an outdoor music/sound board. So if you have anything that you might be throwing away please bring it into nursery for us to recycle and reuse. Thank you.

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