Fun in the sun

Whilst the sun has come out to play we have been making the most of our outdoor area again. There has been lots of exploration of measuring with water using the giant scales with some of the boys trying hard to balance the two buckets equally. Jude noticed ” You need to put more water in this side to balance it.” and Oliver observed the following… ” I just put a big bit of water in it and it went that way!”.

Some children have been busy building a den in the corner of our garden and even decided to make a flag and sign for it. There has been lots of tree climbing and activity on the bikes and scooters and we have even taken our Rainbow Room outside with sand play, water play and painting outside too.  The sun has been helping our vegetables grow and our greenhouse now has a tomato plant to grow in. The left over charcoal from our fire pit has been very useful as some of the children used this to draw  pictures, exploring a range of materials.

We have also been busy learning our Gala day Safari song and can’t wait to sing and cheer on Saturday…. We are just hoping that the sun stays out over the weekend and everyone has a wonderful day! We look forward to walking with you or waving to you if you are in the crowd watching!  HIP HIP….

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