Our week in nursery.

With children still settling back into the nursery we have been singing familiar songs and reminding children of our nursery rules and routines. The children have been exploring the sand and water trays,  there has been lots of painting and gluing, building train sets and using our ICT equipment to play games. We have even managed to dodge the rain clouds and get outside to play as much as possible this week.

I asked a few of the children “What they have enjoyed at nursery this week?” Here are a few responses….

“I liked painting an aeroplane” Emily M

“I did a drawing, it was an ice cream cone ” Rocco L

“Playing with the choo choo’s” Rio M

“Playing with the bricks, making a castle” Josh T

It’s good to be back!

A very warm welcome back to all of our returning children at Bathgate West, we hope you are all excited and ready for your pre-school year here with us. It has been lovely to see you all again and hear all about your summer adventures.

We have lots of new children coming to join us at Bathgate West and over the next few days and weeks we will be working hard to settle them into the nursery and into our routines. We look forward to learning all about our new friends. This coming term our focus will be primarily on getting to know each other and learning about the nursery routines and our rules to help us play safe and be happy.

As always if you have any questions, comments or feedback please do share these with a member of staff who will be more than happy to help and remember to keep coming back to check on our GLOW Blog for details, news and pictures of all of the learning and many activities that are ongoing in the nursery.  We are looking forward to a busy year ahead with you all.