Nursery Parties celebrate the end of the session.

The nursery children at Bathgate West came dressed in their finest to enjoy the end of year parties yesterday. We danced, played games and said some sad goodbyes to some special ladies. The year seems to have flown by and we are sad to be saying Goodbye to our pre-school boys and girls that are leaving us but it has been a huge pleasure to have watched you grow and progress into the confident and bright children that you are. We hope to see you all up at the big school and please remember to pop back to the nursery for a visit at any time to tell us all about how you are getting on at school. For the rest of the boys and girls, we hope you have a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to seeing how much you have grown and hearing all about your adventures in August.

The staff would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support at Bathgate West Nursery and wish everyone a safe and happy summer!

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