Nursery Parties celebrate the end of the session.

The nursery children at Bathgate West came dressed in their finest to enjoy the end of year parties yesterday. We danced, played games and said some sad goodbyes to some special ladies. The year seems to have flown by and we are sad to be saying Goodbye to our pre-school boys and girls that are leaving us but it has been a huge pleasure to have watched you grow and progress into the confident and bright children that you are. We hope to see you all up at the big school and please remember to pop back to the nursery for a visit at any time to tell us all about how you are getting on at school. For the rest of the boys and girls, we hope you have a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to seeing how much you have grown and hearing all about your adventures in August.

The staff would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support at Bathgate West Nursery and wish everyone a safe and happy summer!

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Nursery Trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park

Bathgate West set off on a Safari adventure yesterday as we went on our summer nursery trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park. We may have had to wrap up warm but our spirits were high as we got to see some of the fabulous animals we have been learning about at nursery. A big thank you to all the families that came along to make it such an enjoyable day, we hoped you enjoyed it as much as we did. Here are a few photos from the day….


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Celebrations and Winners!

Today at Bathgate West Nursery we managed to hold our own mini Procession in the sunshine! We dressed for the occasion and we celebrated the courage and determination shown by all of our little super heroes on Saturday by having ice cream in the sunshine. To top off our celebrations we had a surprise visit from the Bathgate Procession Committee who presented us with a shiny trophy for First Place for the best turned out Nursery/School.

A lovely way to end our Superhero celebrations with the recognition of all of the hard work and determination of our children, parents and staff. Well Done Bathgate West….we really are THE BEST!

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Bathgate West is the Best.

The children truly were Superheroes at this years Bathgate Procession. On a very wet and wild day you all turned out with your capes, smiles, umbrellas and the biggest cheers possible. Despite the poor weather Bathgate West brought along it’s own rays of sunshine with their songs, cheers and Hip Hip Hoorays! Thank you to everyone who made it along on Saturday and helped show our children why a positive attitude and determination are so important, even if the circumstances are far from ideal. An extra big thank you to Mrs Bett and all of the parent helpers who have given up so much time and effort over the past few months to create our fabulous costumes and banners….. we may have been soggy, but we looked great! Here are a few photos that I managed to capture, before the camera got too wet!

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Down in the Safari, where nobody goes….

Safari fever has reached Bathgate West Nursery this week as we prepare for our summer trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park in a few weeks time. We have been learning about some of the animals that we will see when were are at the Safari Park. The AM and PM Green Groups each chose an animal they wanted to research more about. They used information books and the internet to find out some interesting facts. Then they shared their learning with the other boys and girls. They are now looking forward to seeing what the other groups have been discovering about Safari animals. Throughout the nursery we have been looking closely at all of the amazing animal prints and created some of our own and we have been enjoying drawing and painting our own animals as well as talking about what we are hoping to see when we go to the Safari park. Take a look at some of our work.

In other news…. our caterpillars are all tucked up nicely sleeping in their cocoons and we are eagerly awaiting their transformation in beautiful butterflies!

It’s been a very busy week, as this week we have also been gearing up for the Newland’s Day Procession, so hopefully we will see all of you Super Heroes tomorrow. Remember bring your capes, smiles and loudest singing voices …     Hip, Hip Hooray!!!

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