Bathgate West Eco Warriors

With our Eco Topic almost over, the children in the nursery have become Eco Warriors fighting pollution and waste in our nursery. They have been learning where our rubbish and recycling goes once it leaves the nursery and how to save our planet by recycling, reducing and reusing. Our Eco song has become a hit and reminds us of some of the ways we can help save our planet. In our garden we have been spotting and identifying a wide range of mini beasts and we have a chart to show which bugs and beasts we have seen in our garden. It’s been an busy and fun topic and we hope that some of the skills and knowledge the children have been learning can help them become responsible citizens.

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One thought on “Bathgate West Eco Warriors”

  1. Hi Boys and Girls,

    It looks and sounds like you have been having fun learning all about how to be Eco Warriors. Hopefully I’ll get to hear your Eco song when I’m in the nursery one day.

    Keep up the good learning, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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