Keeping ourselves safe!

We are continuing our learning with our People Who Help Us topic and it’s been another busy week at Bathgate West Nursery. Tam the Postman paid us a visit to share how his job helps our community. We have been solving crimes, looking for clues and dealing with emergency situations in the nursery this week. A Do-At-Home activity has also been sent home this week for you and you child to spot some of the things that may keep you safe on your travels to and from nursery. See how many you can find…good luck!


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People who help us

Our learning this week has been about people in our community who help us. We have had a visit from the local crossing patrol team and have been practicing how to cross the roads safely. Our Doctor’s surgery has been very busy with patients requiring bandages and lots of medicine, so we have been busy writing our own prescriptions. We are learning how we can get help in an emergency and have been putting out fires and riding in our fire engine. Next week we will have a visit from a local postman to find out how he helps our community.


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Creepy crawly visitors at the nursery.

We have some surprise little visitors coming to stay at Bathgate West Nursery for a few weeks. Our little hairy caterpillars are here and they already munching their way through their food. Check them out at the nursery entrance and see how quickly they grow before they begin their change into butterflies. We will be leaning about all the changes that will happen in the life cycle of a butterfly whilst we watch they change.

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Bathgate West Eco Warriors

With our Eco Topic almost over, the children in the nursery have become Eco Warriors fighting pollution and waste in our nursery. They have been learning where our rubbish and recycling goes once it leaves the nursery and how to save our planet by recycling, reducing and reusing. Our Eco song has become a hit and reminds us of some of the ways we can help save our planet. In our garden we have been spotting and identifying a wide range of mini beasts and we have a chart to show which bugs and beasts we have seen in our garden. It’s been an busy and fun topic and we hope that some of the skills and knowledge the children have been learning can help them become responsible citizens.

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Rag Bag Collection

Our Eco Group’s Rag Bag collection took place took today and a big Thank You to everyone who returned a filled bag for us.  We collected 143kg of donations with 38 bags full! The funds raised will help our Eco Group develop our nursery garden.

The Rag Bag collection has been a part of our ongoing Eco Topic and the children are currently enjoying learning about looking after our nursery, the environment and helping us to reduce, recycle and re use.

We have also been learning our Eco song to help us remember some of the ways in which we can save our planet. The words are attached so you can practice at home too!   Our Eco Code