Road Safety Awareness

Our children have been learning about Road Safety and have had visits from local Lollipop people and PC Arnott, raising awareness of the importance of keeping safe, whilst having fun! Every child has received a Ziggy book home and we have enjoyed reading these books together during small group sessions. We’ve been talking a lot about crossing the road safely: think, stop, look and listen, wait and cross holding hands.

One thought on “Road Safety Awareness”

  1. Hi Boys and Girls,

    I am so pleased to hear all about your work on road safety. It is very important to follow the road safety rules and to remember to cross when holding an adults hand. You were very lucky to have the lollipop person and PC Arnott visit to help you to learn about this. The JRSO’s from Balbardie also enjoyed visiting to help you learn all about it.

    Miss Henderson

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