Burns celebrations

Our nursery children will enjoy a taste of haggis, neeps and tatties during their nursery sessions on Thursday 24th January.  We have been creating tartan patterns in our painting area, and have created a Highland dancer and piper to add to our Scottish display.

The nursery children will also have the opportunity to take part in Highland dancing and games.  One of our parents has kindly agreed to pipe in the haggis as the children enjoy their snack – loads to look forward to!

We will add photographs of this event, so watch this space. 🙂

One thought on “Burns celebrations”

  1. Hi Everyone in Bathgate West Nursery,

    I really enjoyed visiting the nursery with the P6 children this morning and seeing you at your Burn’s Supper. I hope you ally enjoyed the haggis, neeps and tatties for snack. The P6 girls loved their visit and are looking forward to their groups next visit to work with you.

    Miss Henderson

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