Meldrum Primary School Blog

February 21, 2020
by Miss Ross

Happy Hamsters

Primary 2/3 learned lots about looking after a pet and how to take care of and handle hamsters, it was great fun! Remember that even small pets come with BIG responsibilities.

February 19, 2020
by Miss Canning


Primary 6 got a visit from the SSPCA today. They learned lots about animal welfare and how to protect vulnerable creatures.

In groups, pupils were coding a robotic cat to react in a specific way and create a back story for each robot.

January 22, 2020
by Miss Canning

Saving the planet 1 step at a time

Primary 6 would like to introduce our new class mascot Diego!

During our Sustainable Energy topic, Primary 6 were devastated with the amount of carbon emissions and deforestation that is still taking place today. They felt so passionately about this that we as a class knew we had to do something, so we adopted a Jaguar. Our adoption pack will help to safe guard parts of the Amazon rain forest which will give the jaguars a chance to repopulate and it will also protects areas of trees and habitats.


December 17, 2019
by Miss Ross

P2/3 Igloo challenge!

Primary 2/3 really enjoyed the challenge of making an igloo out of sugar cubes for our ‘Polar Explorers’ (Arctic and Antarctic) topic.

Here is the link if you want to try it at home. Have fun!

P6 Carol Singing at Restondene

December 11, 2019 by Miss Canning | 0 comments

Primary 6 visited the residents in Restondene care home today to sing a selection of Christmas carols. The staff were over-whelmed with the pupil’s singing voices and their ability to chat to the residents over some juice and a biscuit. A few children told them jokes, others shared some news about their week and one even got a drumming lesson.

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December 11, 2019
by Miss Canning

P6 Bubble Gum & Fluff

On Monday Primary 6 went to the Church to participate in ‘Bubble Gum and Fluff’ where the pupils revealed the real meaning of Christmas by ‘de-fluffing’ the clutter that surrounds it.

After activities and games the children were asked to pause for thought and write down a Christmas wish/prayer on a candle. These were then collated into a wreath and are on display in our classroom. Most children wished for happiness, and keeping their family safe.



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