Category Archives: Primary 1

P1 Olympics

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. What a fantastic day to go outside and get active! Remember to let us know if you have completed any of the Olympic tasks so we can award you points for your team! You can post a comment here (no names or pictures, just a note of task complete) or send an email to the school office. Ready, steady, go!!!

Competition: Free Books!

National Book Tokens are running a competition to win £5000 worth of book tokens for a school. With the more nominations gained the better the chance of winning!  We would love your help to increase our chances.
I have attached a flyer with full information. However, here is the link for your convenience. It only takes a couple minutes and it would be greatly appreciated 🙂

Four tips for a smooth home learning

Four tips for a smooth home learning routine from the Education Endowment Foundation

Everyone is adapting to an unusual situation and some parents are feeling the pressure to replicate school behaviour systems. When supporting your child’s behaviour, and their social and emotional needs, there are a few key principles that should help:

  • Find your new routines. Consistent routines are important for behaviour in school and our routines at home have changed significantly. Routines support behaviour and you will be finding a new rhythm for your family. You could share this video with your child. Talk to them to help them plan their new routines.
  • Look for the positives. Because you need to be on the ball when things go wrong, it is easy to focus only on the unwanted behaviours and spend time addressing those with our children. If we can also catch them doing things right and praise this behaviour, we’re likely to get more of it. Could your daily routines include activities where your child is likely to make you proud?
  • Model the coping techniques you are using. Children are still learning to self-regulate their emotions and behaviours. It’s likely that we will also face new challenges during this period: finding a new workspace, managing anxiety, being productive under new circumstances. Talk to your child about the struggles you face and how you are addressing them – and don’t be afraid to be open about getting it wrong and trying a different strategy. Encourage your children to explain the approaches they are trying too.
  • Remember, there are no shortcuts.The most important principle for teachers in managing behaviour is to get to know and understand each pupil individually. This is good news! You already know your child. Speak to your child and trust your judgement about what works for them above any generic advice.

Outdoor Learning P1-P7

With all this fabulous sunshine and dry weather, let’s take the learning outdoors! Below you will find some suggested outdoor activities and websites where you will find lots of ideas, video clips and tips about how to get the most out of our gardens and green spaces.







Home Learning Literacy Information and Resources

I have attached some links to resources which you may find useful for supporting your children with learning at home. A couple of the links are general support about routines and structure, while others focus on how you can support your child’s literacy learning.

7_Top_Tips_to_Support_Reading_at_Home Reading_with_TRUST_comic Supporting_home_learning_routines_-_Planning_the_day

There are additional resources which you may find useful and these can be found at the education endowment fund website: