P2 Update

Good afternoon all.

What a busy few days we have had! Yesterday we learned all about stamps and the children designed their own Christmas stamps (while listening to Christmas music). There were some fantastic designs. I hope you enjoyed seeing their ideas!

Today we were estimating and comparing weights…


And here are some photos from a couple of weeks ago of us using non-standard measures to see how tall we are and using metre sticks to find ‘things that are shorter/longer than a metre’.

Have a lovely weekend!

P1 learning

Another week has flew by in P1!

In literacy, we learned about the letters ‘z’ and ‘x’. We had great fun making Zigzag the zebra and x-ray pictures!

In numeracy, we were learning about 2D shapes. Mrs Howley’s class went on a shape hunt to identify shapes in our environment! We also practised writing numbers as words and used our phonics to help us identify each number word.

This week was our personal talks. All our friends really enjoyed listening to us talking about our favourite toys. We used big loud voices when we were talking so everyone could hear us and we listened really well when other people were speaking. Mrs Howley and Miss Gorman were very proud of us!

We were super excited to receive a Christmas goodie bag at the end of the week, we jingled our way out the door to go home!

Homework for this week is on Seesaw and please encourage the children to be using Sumdog.

Miss Gorman and Mrs Howley can’t believe it is the last week of term next week! We have lots of fun Christmas activities planned! Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.