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Scottish Poems in P5

Well done to everyone in our class for learning their poems, performing in front of everyone, using actions and Scottish accents. The standard was extremely high this year!

We are pleased to announce that Emma Nimmo and Callum Twogood will represent P5 at the Burns Assembly on Friday morning. Callum will recite, ‘My Doggie’ and Emma will recite ‘Street Talk’.

Good luck from P5.

Happy New Year P5!

Thank you for all my beautiful Christmas gifts, I was spoiled and feel extremely lucky.

We have an exciting term ahead of us! You can look forward to learning all about the Tudors and Mary Queen of Scots. This was a very interesting time in both the history of Scotland and Great Britain. You could visit Linlithgow Palace, Edinburgh Castle, Loch Leven or the Palace of Holyroodhouse to learn more about this time. There will be a home challenge this term which will include you building a Tudor home or decorating a Tudor room. Start doing some research as the challenge will be on Glow soon. I will check this task every Friday so please bring it to school on this day.

We will begin to work on measure, information handling and shape in numeracy, as well as trying out a fun new resource called Big Maths.

I look forward to reading some of your fantastic writing and hearing you all improve in your reading. We will be doing our literacy circle work as home learning this term and discussing it in class every Monday. Please complete one task a week and bring it to school on a Monday.

P.E. will continue be on a Tuesday and Thursday so please remember your P.E. kit on these days. We will be going outside as often as possible so it would be helpful if you could bring jogging bottoms and a hooded jumper on these days.


We have been learning about the Hindu festival of light ‘Diwali’. We read the story and looked at Diya lamps.  We had fun dressing up making our own saris and making rangoli patterns. We watched Diwali celebrations on the Smartboard and have been learning about fireworks and fire safety.

Primary 4 and Primary 4/3 Snow 2015-2016

Calling all Pupils in P4 and p4/3…
Snowflakes might fall from the sky,
And if they do here is stuff that you can try,
Take out your snow jotters and get onto Glow,
Click on these links, don’t be slow!
You will find games, challenges and worksheets too,
Become one of the online working crew
Look on here to see your learning hooks
So let’s get started, get out your books!
Create a story about when Santa got stuck up your chimney. In your jotters, plan around the 5 ‘W’s’: Who, What, Where, Why and When. Remember to include;
• Where and when is your story taking place?
• Who are the characters that will be in your story?
• Explain what you are going to do to help Santa save Christmas and include reasons for your decisions (why?)
• Write about how your story will end.
• Remember to include 3 paragraphs for your; beginning, middle and end.
Imagine you get trapped inside a snow globe. Write about what you would do if you had to live inside as if you couldn’t get out. Remember to include the 5 ‘W’s’ and paragraphs as described above.

Remember you can log on to our Espresso website using the login details in your Glow booklet. Watch the First Level news on a Wednesday, try the daily challenges, look at the First Level Maths games, watch and try out the Scottish country dancing videos and navigate the section on The Titanic.

Read a book at home, of your own choice that you enjoy, and complete a book review to describe what you thought of it.

Spelling will be listed here if the school closes. Use all your active strategies and include writing in the snow. You could also try some games on Spelling City, available at: and use the free activities on the left hand side.
You can access various maths games on:

Real Estate Investing: Choosing the Right Investment

Titanic Topic tasks:
Online Game- Explore this website about the Titanic and play the game.

P7 and P7/6 – Snow Work 2015/16

Hello Primary 7 and Primary 7/6,

Below are some activities for you to do if we happen to have any ‘snow’ days this winter.   Please do not complete these tasks unless the school is shut. Try your best but remember to have some fun in the snow too!

Miss Holley and Miss Weston



Task 1: Log on to Espresso and watch the latest News Bites.  Choose one of the main stories to research in more detail and write a newspaper article about it.  Watch the BBC Bitesize clip to remind you of the key features of a newspaper report and use the template provided to help you structure it correctly.

Newspaper Template

Task 2: Write a set of instructions about how to build a snowman.  Watch the BBC Bitesize clip again to remind you of the structure and use the checklist below to ensure you have included everything in the correct order:

Instructions Checklist

Task 3: Bah! Humbug! Write a letter to the character of Scrooge from ‘A Christmas Carol’ to persuade him to celebrate Christmas.  Have a look at the link below to help you structure your letter correctly:

Letter to Scrooge.

You may wish to listen to ‘A Christmas Carol’ audio book using the following link:

Task 4: Write an acrostic poem about Snowflakes.  Remember an acrostic poem uses the letters in a word to begin each line.  The activity in the link below will help you out:

Task 5: Write an A-Z poem about Christmas.  Read through the example in the link to inspire you.  Remember to include lots of ‘WOW’ words, similes and metaphors!

A-Z Christmas Poem

Task 6: Write some Haiku poems about Winter.  Remember to first line must contain 5 syllables, the second 7 syllables and the third 5 syllables.  Look at the example below:



Task 1: Read the interesting information on the website below to find out how other countries celebrate Christmas.  Then complete the Literacy Circle roles detailed in the links below – Super Summariser and Imaginative Illustrator.  You can choose which two countries to focus on.

Literacy Cirlces Roles

Task 2: Read the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ in the link below and answer the comprehension questions which follow.  Then try to create your own poem describing how you imagine Santa delivers toys on Christmas Eve.

Twas the Night Before Christmas Comprehension


The following links will help you  improve your accuracy with grid multiplication:

The following worksheets will give you more practise of grid multiplication: (TU x TU) (HTU x TU) (HTU x HTU)

The following link has lots of different games and activities to support your numeracy and maths work and mental recall.  Try some of the Year 5 and Year 6 activities:

Remember you can log on to Mathletics or Sumdog at any time using your individual passwords and play any of the games!


Christmas Origami:

Try to following the instructions and videos to make some lovely paper crafts.  There are even some great Christmas stocking ideas which won’t cost you a penny!

Build a Snowman Game:

P7/6 Assembly

Primary 7/6 are looking forward to presenting their class assembly to the rest of the school and parents on Friday 15 November at 9:30am. Our assembly will be on the Victorians which has been our topic this term. We hope you all enjoy it.

All settled in!

Primary 1 have now settled into school life and are very familiar with rules and routines.

They have been learning initial sounds and numbers to ten! Ask them about odd and even numbers.

We are now moving on to a new topic called ‘Penguin Small’ and can’t wait to hear the story!

P.2/1 Snow Activities

The following websites can be used in the event of school closures due to adverse weather conditions.

Addition and subtraction to 10 and 20. As well as a variety of other maths learning.


A variety of literacy skills and games.


Find out as much as you can about the months of the year and the 4 seasons!


Fun activities with Santa and his elves!

Many thanks!

Mrs Watson (p.2/1)

Potato Planting

The children in the nursery have been working hard to plant potatoes. The morning children planted 4 potatoes and the afternoon children planted 3. We have to remember to feed and water them to help them grow. We can’t wait to harvest the potatoes and use them for snack.