All posts by Miss Park

Primary 2.1 Snow Activities

The following websites can be used in the event of school closures due to adverse weather conditions.

Addition and subtraction to 10 and 20. As well as a variety of other maths learning.


A variety of literacy skills and games.


Find out as much as you can about the months of he year and the 4 seasons!


Fun activities with Santa and his elves!

Many thanks!

Mrs Watson

Primary 1A and P1B Snow Activities

Please use the list of web sites suitable for P1 in the event of the school being closed due to bad weather. Please continue to reinforce phonic sounds, making 3 letter words and word walls for reading. A website to support reading at home with activities and ebooks available. To help practise letter formation, can copy letters using correct formation onto a sheet of scrap paper if you wish. Practise making 3 letter words. All games are suitable. Please select the Wash Line game and the Number Balance.

Counting Game, however all numeracy games on this site, for early years, are useful. for Christmas activities and colouring sheets.

Thank you for your help.

Mrs Witcombe and Mrs Meechan

All settled in!

Primary 1 have now settled into school life and are very familiar with rules and routines.

They have been learning initial sounds and numbers to ten! Ask them about odd and even numbers.

We are now moving on to a new topic called ‘Penguin Small’ and can’t wait to hear the story!

Welcome Primary 3/2!

You have all made a fantastic start to the new school year! This is my first time blogging in Eastertoun Primary School and we are going to use this blog for documenting our work and progress throughout the year!

Also on this site look for the ‘snow’ tag where there will be snow activities for you all to do if the school is closed because of bad weather!!!!