Thank you for all of the lovely cards,gifts and good wishes that we received at Christmas.
From all of the nursery team!
This morning our “Glee Club” was videoed singing three of our many Christmas songs.
This video will be posted on West Lothian Council’s Facebook page and website later today – check out our cheery smiley faces online.
Pupils from ASD1, ASD2 and P2/3/4 are having a busy time practising for their part in our Christmas Concert, Craft, cake and Coffee afternoon on Monday 14th December at 1 p.m. I hope you have a note in your diary!
Before that, our little “Glee Club” will be getting videoed by West Lothian Council, for inclusion on their Facebook page, and will be performing some of our Christmas songs. I’ll post when that is likely to happen after we have been recorded.
When Monday is over there still won’t be any rest as the 3 classes are leading the Christmas Assembly next Friday (18th December) at 10 a.m. in Blackburn and Seafield Parish Church. Hope you can make it along to support us – Merry Christmas!
If it’s too snowy and cold to come to school here are some activities to get up to:
1) Go outside and make a snow angel or a snow man – Remember to take a photo and send it in to show and tell us all at news time!
2) If it is too cold outside use pillows and blankets to make a snow den indoors – you could eat a snack, listen to music or watch a movie from inside you den. Remember to take photos if you do this.
3) Make a warming cup of hot chocolate with an adult. Did you have it fully loaded with cream and marshmallows or plain (and more healthy)?