Let’s Get Fizzy!

Pupils from Primary 3 and ASD1 enjoyed a visit from Generation Science on 28th February.

The title of our workshop was “Get Fizzy” and we were using a combination of liquids (“Sloshy liquids”) and solids (“Tough Solids”) to make a gas (“Gas that goes everywhere”).

First of all we learned how to identify a solid, a liquid and a gas and then we tried to decide which category familiar objects fit into.

Then we were shown the equipment we would use and our safety equipment – the pupils all wore a protective apron and goggles to protect their eyes. The pupils worked in pairs and took turns at measuring out different liquids or solids and mixing these in different combinations to see which had the best chemical reaction – the BEST FIZZ! Once we had discovered the best combination we were allowed to try the experiment again on a bigger scale, which made a bigger fizz.

Finally the people from Generation Science made the biggest fizz of all using some special chemicals – we could only watch this and they used a safety screen to stop the class from getting messy. This was a fun start to our day and we can’t wait to carry out more experiments soon.

Burns Assembly

Here are a selection of pictures from the Burns assembly. I am sure you will agree each class did amazing with their performances. We would like to say a huge congratulations once again to all our poetry recital competition winners. You all did a fantastic job.

Primary 1 Smiley Miler

Primary 1 enjoyed their first Smiley Miler session today where their fitness was tested by undertaking a variety of physical activities.

All children received their workbooks and pedometers and are now encouraged to engage in sport and activity which will help to improve their fitness and general health and well being.

We are extremely lucky to have been given this opportunity and we look forward to reaping the benefits!!


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P1 and P2 Dance Workshop

P1 and P2 were lucky enough to take part in a dance workshop last week.  The children were able to complete a full hip hop routine and even managed to add in some of their own freestyle dance moves!  I’m sure it is clear from the pictures that we have some very talented dancers in Blackburn Primary School!

Victorian experiences.

After researching the equipment that was used to care for our clothes in the Victorian Age, ASD1 had a go at doing the wash the Victorian way.

First of all we hung out a washing line in the playground. We then filled a basin with hot water (luckily we had a hot tap and didn’t have to heat up our water on the stove). We had a washboard and bar of soap which we all tried out, but found that those stubborn stains were still there! (No fancy washing powder either!) It was hard to wring out the wet clothes before we used old fashioned “dolly” pegs to hang them up.2017-01-26-14-25-212017-01-26-14-28-092017-01-26-14-28-522017-01-26-14-30-002017-01-26-14-32-532017-01-26-15-22-38

Our next Victorian experience involved imagining what it would be like to have no shoes to wear – this was a fact of life for many Victorian children. Then we took off our shoes and tried walking on some different surfaces in school, including sensory stepping stones with very different surfaces on them. We agreed that it was fine on all the smooth surfaces inside the building, however it felt very different on the freezing, metal fire escape – that was so cold!

We all put our shoes back on to walk to the sensory garden where pupils were invited to try to walk on some of the surfaces in their bare feet, but only if they wanted. Everyone had a go, some even trying to walk on our stony path (ouch!) but the grass was so frosty it even felt too cold to walk bare foot for long.
The verdict? We think we prefer to have our shoes and socks on outside!


Only Connect…

It’s that time in a new term when we have to think about a new topic and how to introduce it.

This time ASD1 did not have a mystery box, but a Wonder Bag with six things in it. Firstly these were to be felt in the bag (not looked at) and for the pupil doing the feeling to guess what it might be. Then we looked at the object, described it and then tried to think what connection it might have to our yet unnamed context for learning.

Item number 1img_1064
This was described as soft, squishy, white, round, a cylinder and we use it in our house.
Item number 2 img_1063
This was smooth, hard, cold, metal and made a great pop-up sound. We also use this in the house.
Item number 3 img_1059
Smooth, hard, it has buttons, phone home, dial 999 it’s an emergency….
Another thing we use at home, but what is the connection?
Item number 4 img_1062
Pirates use this! It is round, I can see you! We don’t really use this at home and we still couldn’t see a connection.
Item number 5 img_1061
Smooth, cold, funny shape, metal, glass, don’t break it! It’s another household object.
Item number 6 img_1060
This was tiny, paper, sticky, square, not square, it’s Christmas! Although we agreed that it’s something people use this was not the connection.

We talked about how each of these things looked very different when Miss Carson was young and even more different when her Grandparents were young. Were these things invented long ago? Now we were getting there! With a choice of the 2000s, 1900s or 1800s the pupils agreed that these things might have been invented in the 1800s – which was correct. Did you know that all of our objects were first invented in the Victorian Age?

Over most of this term ASD1 are going to look at what life was like for a child in the Victorian age and what differences and similarities there might be between then and now.

Just think when you use any of these items that they were invented in the time of Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901)!

Primary 1

The children in Primary 1 completed their second term in school by impressing their parents and carers with a very successful Nativity performance of, “Jesus’ Christmas Party”, which was enjoyed by all. The pupils in Primaries 1 and 2 had lots of fun at their Christmas party where there was dancing, games, party treats and a very special visitor!


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