A1 – Cosy Reading Corner Launch!

A1 are so excited and ready to blast off to new adventures in a good book in our new cosy reading corner! The children have helped to set up some of the area and have already been enjoying using it before the launch of book week on November 27th. It has been quite a bit of work with even the adults lifting a paintbrush or two but I am sure you will all agree it looks like a great area to cosy up and read in. A huge thanks to Mr Hamilton & Master Hamilton for making us our amazing reading bench with space to store our books – it is just out of this world!


P2/1 Book Corner

There has been excitement in Primary 2/1 this week as we have been setting up our brand new Circus themed reading area in anticipation of Scottish Book Week which begins on Monday 27th November. We are now looking forward to the arrival of our new books. We have been completing our Reading Passport as a class and have some interesting views on how many stars to award each book.


We had a spectacular spooky scary surprise when all the children dressed up for our Halloween party. The children tried dookin for apples, biting donuts from the string, carving pumpkins & pomegranates and touching a yucky jelly & spaghetti bath.  Lots of the children were using their senses to explore the different textures, smells and tastes. Some tried pomegranates for the first time and loved them.

Stay, Play and Make CAB Competition “Winter” poster

Our parents and children who attend our Stay, Play and Make sessions have designed this wonderful poster to enter into the CAB Competition Calendar for 2018.  Parents have enjoyed the opportunity to join their children in our nursery to experience a variety of art activities.  We also provide Stay, Play and Sing sessions where we have been learning lots of songs old and new and Stay, Play and Move sessions which concentrate on promoting balance, ball skills and coordination.

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