P2/3 Literacy – Wednesday 1st April 2020

It is officially a new month, welcome to April boys and girls!

This morning i would like you all to complete your verb sorting worksheet that you will find in your packs. This should be completed in your jotter.

Your second task is to create a picture all about April and spring. What can you think of that happens in spring that you can include in your picture? If you can, post your picture on our school twitter so i can see your fantastic art work or email them over to me :).

Your final task is to log onto sumdog and complete a spelling activity.

Have a fantastic morning!

Miss Hamill 😀

A1 and P1 PM Writing Task 01/04/20

Don’t forget to tune into PE with Joe Wicks live at 9am:



The Big Tree – Learning about Sentences

Parents/carers please ask the children to read/listen to the sentences then:

  • Identify the sentences that tell us who is in the story and where the story is set.
  • Identify the sentences that describe what happened first, then and after that.
  • Talk about how the writer felt about the big tree.

Next, look inside your pack for “The Big Tree – Activity 2”.  Practice reading and writing each key word in the top section then use the key words to complete the sentences in the bottom section.  Make sure you read each sentence back to yourself to ensure it makes sense.  Remember to write your name and date at the top.  Take your time and use your neatest handwriting!

recount_big_tree_activity 2

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

A1 and P1 – 31/03/31 – Art

Good afternoon everyone,

We are sure you have seen some beautiful rainbows in lots of windows over the past week.

This week the theme is “Sunshine”, so we would like you to create sunshine drawings, paintings, collage pictures, mobiles etc with whatever materials you have at home to display in your window to spread a little sunshine, no matter what the weather is like.

Here are some ideas

Have fun!!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

Narrative Language – Tuesday

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all doing well, this afternoon I have a narrative language task for you to complete.

First, I would like you to watch ‘The Great Pet Sale’ by Mike Inkpen on youtube. I have linked the video below.

After you have listened to this story, I want to you tell you parent/ carer all the characters from the book. I would like to see if you are able to remember them all! You could even try and write all the characters names with help from a parent or carer.

For your final task, in your School Closure jotter I would like you to draw a picture of everyone in your family. We are focusing on WHO this week so it would be good to see if you can remember everyone without any help.

After you have finished your task, you could ask your parent/carer to take a picture of your work and tag us in it on twitter – @wlblackburnps

It would be great to see all your lovely pictures! I’m looking forward to seeing all your hard work.

Miss Robertson

P2/3 French & RME

Good afternoon P2/3.

I hope you are having a lovely day so far.

For French I would like to complete the Spring Colour by Number worksheets – let’s see who can remember their colours in French!

During RME time I would like you to recreate the Easter Story and fill out the blank storyboard template in your pack – there are 8 boxes for pictures and space for a wee sentence under each picture.

FR-T-T-1895-Elmer-Colour-by-Number-Sheet-French_ver_2 T-MFL-85-Spring-French-Colour-by-Number-French_ver_1 blank storyboard

Miss McLuckie

Five Minute Box- Letter and number formation boards

Hi guys hope you are all keeping well .

Please find your Letter and Number Formation Boards in your packs.

Use your finger☝️trace them first, then write them using your sharp handwriting pencil  in your pack.

Please write each letter 3x each and pick your favourite one.

REMEMBER to Start on the 🔴 red dot and follow the ⬅ arrows for the direction.

Use a blank page at the back of your jotter. I look forward to seeing all your good work. REMEMBER do not rush it. And make sure you are following the arrows.



P2/3 Maths – Tuesday 31st March 2020

Triangles and Squares…

Time to continue our practice of time. Today i challenge you to make, draw, paint a clock. You need to remember all of the important parts of a clock in your model/drawing including the hands and numbers.

Its your turn to be the teacher. Teach someone in your house about the clock and see if they can tell you the time you are showing.

Choose 1 other math activity from your grid and then to finish log onto Sumdog and complete the time challenge i have set you for this week.

Have a fab day 🙂

Miss Hamill.

P2/3 Maths – Circles

Hello Circles.

Ready for our next David Walliams story at 11am? I know I am!


I hope you are all well and are ready for some maths games this morning. I would like you to play Snakes and Ladders with a partner this morning, the template is in your pack if you don’t already have this game at home. For those of you who do not have a pack I will attach a copy here for you to print off.

If you would like to try an interactive version on the computer, here is the link (you can play the computer or play a partner on here).


I would also like you to log in to Study Ladder and complete 3 activities of your choice.

Miss McLuckie

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