P2/3 Storywriting

Good morning P2/3. I hope you are all well. Who ready for their daily workout with Joe Wicks this morning? I know I am!

For storywriting this morning, I would like you to complete a book review of your favourite book, possibly the one you have been reading over the last week or two. The sheet is in your pack but I have attached a copy for those who have no pack – you could complete in your jotter or even on a sheet of paper.

Book Review

I would really love to read your book reviews so if you can upload a picture onto our Twitter @wlblackburnps that would be fantastic!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Miss McLuckie 🙂

P1 – Thursday 2nd April – Literacy

Good morning everyone!

Don’t forget your daily dose of exercise with Joe Wicks at 9.00am


Our reading tasks today:

  • Listen to this song about all kinds of books, “Read a Book Today”:


  • Choose one of the reading books from your pack and read it with an adult
  • Find all the capital letters and full stops in your book
  • Now see if you can find any other punctuation marks – are there any exclamation marks !, commas , speech marks ”   ”  or question marks ?
  • Explain how they are used to an adult – can you remember the songs we sing in class to help us?
  • Now draw a picture to show your favourite part of the book in your jotter and tell someone why you like it

Remember to read lots of different types of books over the Easter holidays!!

Thank you, Mrs Topping

Five Minute Box- Quiz 1


Let’s see how many you can find❓❓❓



1. Find the letter after N

2. Find the letter before T

3. Find the letter after H

4. Find the letter before U

5. Find the names of colours,  list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)









6. Find the days of the week, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)








7. Find  a 9 letter word starting with W

8. Find a 6 letter word starting with Y

9. Find a 7 letter word starting with M

❓10. Find a 9 letter word starting with Y  


                                                 Have fun being a word detective.

P2/3 IDL – Wednesday 1st April 2020

We are continuing on with our Egyptians for the last week. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the Egyptians as much as i have loved teaching about them :).

Your challenge for today is to research the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. I have included an information sheet in your pack in case you do not have access to google.

Your challenge is to create an information poster about an Egyptian God or Goddess. Include information that other people may not know.

Miss Hamill 🙂

A1/P1 Lego challenge 01/04/20

Good afternoon A1/P1.  I hope you have enjoyed your morning activities. I have a Lego challenge for you to try out this afternoon. I gave it a go with my son but he wasn’t too impressed with my efforts. I’m sure you will do much better than me.
I look forward to seeing all your rollercoaster pictures.
Kirsty 😊


P2/3 Maths – Wednesday 1st April 2020

Triangles and squares: you have a challenge to complete by the end of the week on Sumdog.

Please complete this first before moving onto your next math activity which is accessing Argos or Amazon and noting what you can buy for £20. Can you buy more than one thing? Can you buy 7 things? 🙂

Circles – i would like you to log onto studyladder and complete 3 activities.

Miss Hamill 😀

A1 and P1 – 01/04/20 – Shape

Good morning everyone!

Remember to listen in to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am when you can hear the story, “Nigel Nit Boy”.


For maths today, we will continue to look at 2D shapes

  • First, let’s “Shape Up” with Jack Hartman as he teaches us about 2D shapes. Join in with the actions and make the shapes in the air

  • Think about the properties of each shape – how many sides does each one have?, are the sides straight or curved?
  • Now try making some 2D shapes of your own with some materials you might have at home e.g. beads, sticks, straws, pegs, lego etc. Try to make some really BIG shapes and some really small shapes
  • Next complete pages 4 and 5 from your TeeJay Shape Workbook (A9)

  • Now try some fun 2D shape games



Thank you, Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

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