A1/P1 Art – We are all Superheroes!

Good afternoon guys!

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and keeping well.

Mrs Bryce told me that Superheroes was your theme on Thursday last week and I had a thought, at this time we are all being Superheroes.  We are all staying at home, washing our hands and social distancing. We are saving lives, we are superheroes!


This little art activity is very simple all you need is some paint, paper and your hands. Choose which superhero you would like to paint or create your very own. Paint your hand and press it on the paper, wait until it dries and add all your detail. Here are some examples below. I look forward to seeing all your work.


Have Fun!




A1 STEM 01/06/20

Hello A1, I hope you are all well. So last week we made our Bug Hotels – have you had any little visitors? We’ve had a few ants in ours but not much else!

For this afternoon’s task I would like you to try going on a “Minibeast Safari”. Have a think about where different minibeast’s live – under leaves, in the soil, in the grass – and see if you can spot any either in your own garden or when out for your daily mile. You could tick them off the Minibeast Checklist.

If you have a little tub or jar you could even try to catch some of them to bring them to your bug hotel – but remember we must be very gentle with the little creatures!

Miss McLuckie


P1 Monday 1st June – Numeracy

Hello again everyone!

Join in with the regular Monday Fischy Music assembly.

To warm up let’s try a different song to practise counting down from 100 to 1.

  • Today’s activities have been set on Study Ladder
  • 1st June  – Subtraction from 10
  • Remember to do the Tutorial first, then 2  Practice activities
  • Now make your own spinner like the one shown in the activity sheet – you can make it from a circle of card and make it as colourful as you like, push a pencil through the middle and spin!
  • If you would rather you could make card/paper squares and write the numbers on them, put them in a bag or a box and try a “lucky dip” instead
  • Next use your spinner/lucky dip to  copy and complete the subtraction calculations in your jotter

  • To finish off have a go with this Subtraction Game


Mrs Topping

A1 Numeracy Tasks 01/06/20

Hi A1.

At 11am, please tune into the Fischy Music virtual assembly:

Then it’s Numeracy Time!

Today we are learning about Volume:

Now, log onto Study Ladder and have a go at your assigned tasks.  Before lunch time, lets do our daily mile!  Remember to put sun cream on before going outside and drink lots of water!

Laura and Maisie will be posting some fun activities again this afternoon, so keep an eye on the blog.

Mrs Bryce


Good Morning Children.

We now have 3 butterflies. There is 1 caterpillar still to emerge From its chrysalis.
I have provided the butterflies with food. They have fruit, flowers for the nectar and sugar water. I wonder what they like best? Any ideas?

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine. Have you had any butterflies visit your garden?



P2/3 Challenge – Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning boys and girls, can you believe that is it June already? I cant!

Today i am going to set you a challenge that you can complete throughout the day that includes literacy, maths and ICT skills. I am doing this, because i know that the weather has been lovely over the weekend and I want you to make the most of it by being outdoors whilst learning at the same time.

Bug Hunt – Grab a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil, a phone/iPad/camera then head outdoors.

  1. Try to find as many different bugs as possible. Take pictures.
  2. Do you know what kind of bug it is?

I would like you to get 3 facts about each bug you find. Using your research skills, you can look up each bug on the internet.

Can you find more than one of the same bug? How many did you find? Calculate and keep score. Which one did you see the most of?

Can you draw a picture of each bug to go with the three facts?

By the end of this challenge you should have a book of fact files all about bugs that you can share with your family and myself over email!

This is a challenge that you can complete yourself or with a family member.

Have a lovely day everyone

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P1 Monday 1st June – Literacy

Good morning everyone and Happy June! Can you believe that it’s the first of June already? Hope you all managed to enjoy some sunshine over the weekend.

Kick start the week and June with Joe.

Remember to have a drink and a wee rest before beginning Literacy.

Today we are going to revise the th sound.

  • Sing along with the Jolly Phonics song and do the action.
  • Pretend to be a rude clown and stick out your tongue and say th, th
  • The th sound can be heard in 2 ways

  • th is the cheeky sound – try not to get it confused with f – you should feel your teeth on your tongue when you say th
  • Watch and listen to this clip to help with the 2 different th sounds

  • Now find the th pages in your Jolly Phonics workbook and draw and colour 4 pictures using the th sound – remember the th sound can come at the start or the end of a word e.g. thin      bath
  • Trace then write the th sound underneath
  • Now think of 6 good th words and write them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting on the other side of the page
  • To finish Literacy tasks this morning an activity has been set for you on Education City
  • http://www.educationcity.com/
  • Click on:

  • Find P1 Literacy Folder
  • Complete The Three Paths activity

I will check back in with you before numeracy.

Mrs Topping


A1 Literacy Tasks

Good morning A1!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!  Its is another beautiful day!  Let’s start our day with PE with Joe!

Now it is time for Phonics and Spelling.

P1’s – you will be learning the ‘p’ sound today!  The action for ‘p’ is holding your finger in front of your mouth and blowing it out like a candle:

Let’s start by singing the Jolly Phonics Songs.  Pay extra attention to the song for ‘p’:

Next look inside your Jolly Phonics booklet and on the ‘p’ page, draw 4 pictures of things starting with ‘p’.  Underneath, practice writing ‘p’ and on the other side practice writing your ‘p’ words.

P3’s and P7’s – today you are learning the ‘ee’ sound.  The action for ‘ee’ is to make donkey ears with your hands and when they are pointing up you say ‘ee’ and when they are pointing down you say ‘or’:

Let’s start by singing the Jolly Phonics song:

Now, inside your pack you will find your ‘Long Vowel Sound E’ booklet (E Vowel).  Please complete the first 3 pages.

I’ll be back just before 11am with the details to log onto today’s Virtual Assembly with Fischy Music!

Mrs Bryce

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