A1 and P1 Art Activity 02/06/20

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather today!  This afternoon we are going to look at some work from an artist called Elsa Mora:

Elsa Mora’s flower people

Elsa Mora is a multidisciplinary artist working in all media, including painting, photography, ceramics, porcelain, collage, bronze and mixed media.

For art this afternoon, let’s get outside and use nature to inspire today’s activity!  Using flowers, petals, leaves and twigs, create your very own flower people.  We cannot wait to see them!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

Narrative Language – 2nd June

Good Afternoon P1 and A1,

This afternoon I have a nice story for you to listen to. It’s called Nighty Night Circus.

After this I would like you to go around the house and find 5 things you would use before going to bed and 5 things you would use when you wake up in the morning.

You could draw a picture or make a picture outside of your favourite time off the day. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Remember to post your pictures on twitter so I can see them.

Our twitter is @wlblackburnps

Miss Robertson

Butterflies are free to fly!

Hello Children,

Our 3 Butterflies are free to fly today. My son helped to release them. They need to be released on a hot day so we are lucky to have the sun again.

I hope they enjoy their freedom. Remember, we still have one caterpillar to emerge so keep a lookout for the updates on this last one.

There are further updates on Twitter today with more photos and video clips. Take Care Jen

A1 Numeracy Tasks 02/06/20

Hello again A1!

I hope you have enjoyed your morning so far!

It is now time for Numeracy.

P1 pupils are learning about numbers up to 20:

P3 and P7 pupils are learning about subtraction:

Please have a look inside your packs.

P1 pupils complete the first 2 pages of your ‘Numbers to 20’ workbook.

P3 and P7 pupils, complete the first 2 pages of your ‘Subtraction to 10’ workbook.

Remember to do your daily mile before lunch time!

We will be back after lunch with some Oral Narrative tasks and some fun art activities!

Mrs Bryce

P1 2nd June – Numeracy

Hello again!

Tune into Elevenses with David Walliams


We have been learning about tens and units up to 20 recently. Today we are going to begin to learn to count in tens.

  • Warm up with this count by tens song

  • Now practise saying the tens numbers aloud
  • Can you practise saying them from 100 down to 10?
  • Your tasks for today have been set on Education City
  • http://www.educationcity.com/

Click on:

  • Find P1 Numeracy Folder
  • Complete the 3 activities:
  • Tens Encounter, Counting in Stens and copy and complete the number sequences from the  Counting in Stens Activity Sheet in your jotter
  • To finish off try playing this Duck Shoot counting in tens game


Mrs Topping


P1 Tuesday 2nd June – Literacy

Good morning everyone and welcome to another day of learning.

Let’s start off with some exercise with Joe.

Today we will continue with the th sound.

Watch and listen to this th song

  • Watch and listen to this clip to learn some more th words

  • Try to identify as many words using the th sound as you can – can you think of 10?
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 th activities on Study Ladder – 2nd June – Phonics th and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 th words write a sentence for each one on your jotter e.g.  Three birds live in that nest.
  • Try to make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective or a connective – and, but, so, because, then  e.g. Three tiny birds live in that nest.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly

I will check in with you again before numeracy

Mrs Topping



P2/3 Challenge 02/06/20

Good morning P2/3. I hope you are all keeping safe and well and enjoyed yesterday’s challenge. Today I am going to set you another challenge that is linked to yesterday’s one.

Yesterday you had to find lots of different bugs and then do some research and find facts about them. I hope you managed to find out about where they live as today’s challenge is for you to create a place where these bugs could live. You will need to think about where you make the home (in sunlight/shade), what you will need to make it (a box/tub, food for the bugs, decorations you want to add), what size are you going to make the home, and what bugs do you actually want to visit?

Have lots of fun with this and don’t forget to send over your pictures to Miss Hamill or myself, or post them on Twitter.

Miss McLuckie

A1 Literacy Tasks 02/06/20

Good morning A1

Let’s get ourselves woken up with some PE with Joe!

For literacy this morning we are going to do some more work on the phonics and spelling sounds you learned yesterday.

First, Please log into your Studyladder account and complete the tasks that are assigned to you.

Then, I would like you to create  a model of something related to the sound you have been learning about.  So P1’s, you could choose something that starts with ‘p’, for example panda.  P3’s and P7’s you could choose something that has ‘ee’ as the middle or end sound, for example bee or sweet.  You can create your model out of anything you like… Lego, play dough, junk from the recycling or anything else you can think of!  I cannot wait to see your creations!

Lastly, let’s have some chill time and enjoy another story time with David Walliams:


Speak soon!

Mrs Bryce

Lockdown Learning Journeys

Recently P5/6/7 were asked to share their Learning Journeys.  They were able to share their journeys any way they liked.  Here are some of the examples that we have received.

The first pupil chose to display what she learned in school, what she has now learned at home and what she would like to learn next!

Our next pupil decided to make a PowerPoint presentation showcasing what she has learned during Lockdown.

Learning journey

Our final example is a story from our of our P5 pupils.  It is jam packed with emotion; sadness, excitement and humour.  This story has it all and certainly captures their experience.

We would love to receive more learning journeys from our pupils.  One of this week’s INspire Challenges is asking you to do something very similar!  Watch this video for an insight and more details will be posted tomorrow!

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